Page 65 of Deadly Fate

‘Sorry. Yes, Barry Sharpe, ex-husband of Janice Sharpe and father to Tanya. The guy was an extreme gambler who basically lost their house on a single bet. He ran away rather than face the music and left his wife to deal with it. She now lives on the edge of Hollytree, taking in other people’s washing to make ends meet. She was pretty cold to the news of his death, but Tanya misses her dad terribly and was broken up at the news. She’d like to attend his funeral.’

‘Good job, Penn,’ she said, and Stacey noted her satisfaction that the man would not be buried without his name.

‘I’m sensing a but though,’ the boss said, folding her arms.

‘I’m gonna just inform this one guy who seemed quite concerned and then I’m gonna leave it alone.’

‘What’s the choice? There’s nothing left to do.’

‘Just feels shit, boss. How can it be legal for him to have signed away the house without her knowing?’

Stacey understood his hesitation. In solving one mystery he’d uncovered a misdeed, and it was natural for every police officer to want to right every wrong that crossed their path.

‘I assume she got legal advice at the time?’ the boss asked.

He nodded.

She opened her hands. ‘It’s done, Penn. Tell your guy the outcome and put it to bed.’

‘Okay, boss,’ he said.

‘Does anyone wanna know what the guv has been doing this last half hour?’ Bryant asked.

‘Of course,’ Stacey answered.

‘She’s been bending the law of the universe to her will. Basically overriding protocols and regulations to get her own way.’

‘And?’ Stacey asked. Sounded like a typical day so far.

‘She’s fast-tracked someone onto the approved list of consultants, forced him to the front of the vetting queue, all for her own convenience while also convincing the guy she’s doing him a favour. My head is still spinning.’

‘And who might the expert be?’ Stacey asked, chuckling.

The boss opened her mouth to speak but Bryant was having way too much fun.

‘His name is Richard Blake, an expert on fraudulent psychics who happens to be in need of somewhere quiet to work on his next book,’ Bryant said, pointing to the spare desk.

The boss shrugged but didn’t disagree.

‘Do we really need an expert on fraudulent psychics?’ Penn asked, mirroring her own thoughts.

The boss gave him a knowing smile. ‘Okay, meet him and then you tell me.’


Kim had just finished updating the activity log when she got the call that Richard Blake was being escorted up to the office.

‘Okay, guys, he’s on his way up but don’t bombard him with questions. You all understand that with the murder of Azim, the focus has shifted away from the dinner party, towards the broader subject of psychics and their customers. We can gain a lot of insight from Richard, but give the man a minute to get settled in.’

‘Got it, boss,’ Stacey and Penn said together, while Bryant waved his understanding.

‘Come in, Mr Blake,’ Kim said as a constable deposited him at the door.

‘Richard, please,’ he said, following the direction of her nod towards the spare desk. He placed his laptop on it and took a seat, then smiled around the room.

‘Stacey,’ the constable said by way of introduction.

‘Penn,’ the sergeant offered, wheeling across with his hand outstretched. ‘I’ve read your book.’