Page 38 of Deadly Fate

‘Luckily, the car has a roof.’

‘Dee, I think I’ll give it a miss for—’

‘Nope. Not a chance,’ Devon said, pulling on her boots. ‘When you walked into the flat an hour ago, you asked me to do this, and you specifically said I was not to let you wriggle out of it.’

‘I feel sick.’

‘Then grab a paper bag on your way out. It’ll be fine. I know a place that will be pretty dark and quiet by now.’

‘Oh yeah,’ Stacey said, offering a cheeky wink.

‘Nice try, and any other night I’d allow you to distract me, but you were resolute so this time I’m holding you to it. Jeez, I’ve had the L plates in the car for over a year.’

Stacey felt her stomach lurch at the prospect and wished she’d never said anything. But the truth was that she was getting sick and tired of relying on other people to get around.

After a few bad starter lessons, she’d developed an irrational fear of the gearstick, which had grown mightier as time went on.

‘I’ll drive us there then you can go at your own pace, got it?’

‘Okay,’ Stacey said, rushing to the front door before she changed her mind. Devon locked it behind them.

‘Just remember that I’m not going to shout at you, I’m not going to lose patience and I’m dead proud of you for trying.’

As ever Stacey wondered what the hell she’d done to deserve Devon.

They got into the car and Stacey envied the ease with which her wife did everything. It was as though she was on automatic pilot, muscle memory that required no thought at all. She watched as her hand slid to the gearstick as her feet did something else and at the same time she steered and checked her mirrors.

She felt beads of sweat break out on her forehead. There was no way she’d be able to do all that. She was going to let Devon down and that thought made her feel even worse.

‘Okay, just down here is a trading estate that’s only got one circular road. Nothing is open now but there’s decent lighting. Okay?’

Stacey wasn’t okay but she nodded anyway.

Devon stopped the car on a straight stretch of road.

‘I’ll fix the L plates while you get comfy in the driver’s seat.’

As they crossed at the boot, Devon squeezed her hand. ‘Don’t look so frightened. No one’s gonna die.’

Stacey squeezed her hand back and allowed some of the tension to leave her body.

She slid into the driver’s seat as Devon got in beside her.

‘Okay, first make sure your leg room is comfortable and you can reach the pedals.’

As she and Devon were around the same height, it felt fine.

‘First thing, always, before you even start the car?’

‘Seat belt,’ Stacey said, reaching for it.

‘It’s a good habit to form,’ Devon said as their hands clashed at the clasps between them. ‘Okay, start her up. She’s in neutral so she’s not going anywhere. Just listen to the sound of the engine. Get to know it. Now put your foot on the left pedal and move the gearstick into the first position. Don’t worry – you’re not going to move.’

Stacey did as she was told and heard the engine change.

‘Put your right foot on the far-right pedal but don’t push down. Now release the handbrake and press gently on the accelerator pedal.’

The car moved forward and Stacey instinctively removed her foot.