Page 35 of Deadly Fate

Kim couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for her, but ultimately there were questions that needed answering.

‘Sorry to go over Thursday night again but we understand you weren’t particularly happy with Sandy.’

‘She spilled some wine. I probably reacted a little ungraciously, but everything is brand new.’

Probably shouldn’t host an event, Kim thought, until the newness had dulled a little bit.

‘It was sorted. No harm done.’

‘That’s not exactly what I was talking about,’ Kim said. ‘We understand you weren’t happy with your reading.’

‘Don’t be silly. It was a bit of fun. I wasn’t expecting anything.’

Kim was beginning to see that Catherine didn’t realise when to stop lying.

‘I’ll be clear,’ Kim said, adding a tone of firmness to her voice. ‘We’ve spoken to everyone and we know you haven’t been entirely truthful with us. The evening was your suggestion. You planned it and you arranged it.’

Kim noted that although Catherine’s back was to them, her movements had stalled.

She continued. ‘We know that you tried to monopolise the evening and treat it as a one-to-one session. We know that you weren’t happy with what Sandy told you, and you even had words with her outside before she left. Harsh words.’

Catherine turned. Her eyes blazed. ‘And my friends told you all this, did they?’

‘Acquaintances,’ Kim said, reminding her of her own description earlier in the day.

‘What’s going on, Catherine? What are you not telling us?’

Catherine attempted to stare her down, but Kim’s gaze was going nowhere and neither was she until she had answers.

Catherine sighed heavily. ‘My husband is having an affair,’ she blurted out.

‘Oh,’ Kim said, unsure what to say.

‘I know it and I’m pretending I don’t know it because I don’t want to lose my family.’

As she said the words, she used her arms to indicate the space around her. Kim was unsure if she was more upset at losing the family or the home.

‘I asked Sandy to come for reassurance that my life was going to continue. Then I’d know the affair will fizzle out and I can pretend it never happened.’

‘But that’s not what she said?’

‘No. She told me there would be great change in my life and that an unknown woman would play a huge part. What does that sound like to you?’

Kim said nothing, beginning to understand the importance people placed on this kind of divination.

‘It’s like she threw the grenade and left the room. She confirmed my worst nightmares and then refused to give me anything more concrete. I just wanted to be ready but she moved on to the next person.’

‘And the discussion outside?’ Kim pushed. Rose had recounted quite the animated exchange.

Catherine had the grace to colour slightly. ‘Not my finest moment. I was asking her if she was a fraud. I wanted her to say yes. I wanted to believe she’d got lucky with her general statements. I asked her if she was just making it all up.’

‘And what did she say?’

‘She said, “I think you already know the answer.” And then she got in the car and left.’

Kim chose not to mention the kick to the car or the one-finger wave.

‘I’m not proud of myself,’ Catherine repeated. ‘Especially now.’