Page 29 of Deadly Fate

So this wasn’t her first battle with the big C.

‘And you had a good night?’ Kim asked.

‘I took it for what it was, Inspector. A laugh, entertainment, a distraction from my life and keeping this place afloat.’

‘You didn’t take it too seriously?’ Bryant asked.

‘God, no. Any answers I want aren’t going to come from a bloody psychic.’

‘Did she offer you any info that was useful?’

‘No, just told me how strong I was and that I had many more experiences ahead of me. I had more fun watching everyone else’s reaction to the whole thing.’

‘You mean Catherine?’

‘Yes, especially Catherine. She was hilarious,’ Emily said, laughing. ‘Sorry, that’s inappropriate in the circumstances but I’ll take any laugh going.’

Kim couldn’t blame her. This woman was staring death in the face every single day.

‘What was so funny about Catherine?’

‘Well, who would invite a psychic into their home and then argue with them?’

‘About the wine spillage?’

‘Oh no, about the reading. I don’t know what answers Catherine was seeking but she wasn’t getting them from Sandy.’

‘What was Sandy telling her?’ Kim asked, intrigued. Catherine’s name had come up in every conversation so far.

‘That there were big changes ahead but that she’d meet them with fortitude. Catherine pressed her as to what changes. She wouldn’t elaborate further, but I think Catherine took it as a negative. She also told her that an unknown woman was going to become prominent in her life. Catherine demanded to know who she was talking about. Every time the poor woman tried to move on, Catherine asked her another specific question. When it became clear Sandy was going to say no more, Catherine sat there glaring at her until the session was over. I don’t think Sandy could leave quick enough. It was a bit intense for a while.’

Sounded like Catherine had organised the evening under false pretences and then proceeded to spoil it for the rest of them.

‘Sorry I can’t help any further. Only Betts knows Sandy well enough to judge her mood or state of mind.’

Kim realised that the woman looked exhausted. It was barely three in the afternoon but Emily looked like she was done for the day.

The shop door opened and Emily’s face broke into a smile as an attractive brunette in her early forties with a freshly blow-dried tidy bob entered and closed the door behind her.

‘Let me guess, DI Stone and DS Bryant from Halesowen CID?’ the woman asked before anyone had a chance to speak.

‘Are you psychic?’ Bryant asked.

‘No, Betts put a note in the WhatsApp group about an hour ago.’

‘Rose Foster, I presume?’ Kim asked.

Rose nodded as she stepped around them and went to Emily, taking her hand. ‘Just came to check you were okay.’

Emily nodded and squeezed her hand in return.

‘May we ask you a few questions while you’re here?’ Kim asked, seizing the opportunity.

Rose nodded. ‘Of course. It’s all absolutely horrific. It still hasn’t sunk in properly that she’s dead, and I didn’t even know her. It’s just that surreal feeling of someone that you recently spent time with now gone – and murdered of all things.’

Rose had had a bit longer to get used to the news and appeared to have given it some thought.

‘And did you get what you wanted from the evening?’