Page 24 of Deadly Fate

‘Not really friends, but yes, it’s either one night a week bending myself into impossible positions or hitting the gin for a break. Actually, it’s a good way to shift the baby weight,’ she said, patting her stomach.

‘A few of you had a psychic night recently?’ Kim asked.

‘Yes, Sandy came and did a reading for all of us.’

‘And you knew Sandy quite well?’

‘Oh yes, I visit her every couple of months for—Wait a minute. You just said knew, past tense. Has something happened?’

Kim took a breath. ‘I’m afraid to say that Sandy was murdered late last night.’

‘Wh…what?’ she asked as her hand went to her throat.

‘I’m sorry but it’s true. There’s no way to dress it up. It was a particularly brutal attack, and we understand from the others that you knew her the best.’

‘I did, inasmuch as I’d met her many times before, but purely in a professional capacity. We weren’t friends or anything.’

‘Would you have known if she was acting differently, maybe if there was something on her mind?’ Bryant asked.

‘I don’t think so. She was a little more distant than normal but that’s because it was a group setting. Our one-to-one sessions were more intimate, but she was trying to devote time to all of us equally, except for Catherine, who was trying to hog the whole thing.’

‘And it was Catherine’s idea to hold the event?’

‘Goodness, yes. She approached me before class a couple of weeks ago and told me what she was thinking of doing.’

In the space of a few hours, they’d gone from Catherine merely allowing the group to hold the event at her house to actively initiating the whole thing. Not a crime, so why lie about it?

‘Were there any cross words with anyone?’

‘Oh no, it’s not like that. It’s a calm environment. There was the usual bickering between Lisa and Catherine, which Rose defused as usual. She’s the eldest and doesn’t like conflict.’

Kim noted that fact for later.

‘What was the bickering about?’

‘Oh, everything and nothing as usual. Lisa advised Catherine how to get the red wine out the rug, and Catherine snapped at her.’

‘There’s tension between them?’

Betts pulled a face. ‘Just sniping. They’re not in each other’s lives enough for it to be serious; weekly yoga class; an occasional coffee afterwards. They’re very strong women and they both want to be in charge.’

‘Of what?’ Bryant asked.

‘Exactly. There’s nothing to manage so the rest of us just sit back and let them get on with it. Except for Rose, who steps in if it starts getting heated. Only those two could bring a negative vibe to such a positive experience.’

As though remembering the reason for their visit, her face fell. ‘Is she really dead?’

Kim nodded. ‘May I ask why you used her services?’

‘Cheaper than a therapist,’ Betts joked weakly.

Kim waited.

Betts shrugged. ‘I dunno. I suppose I felt like she really knew me. She guided me well through difficult situations.’

‘May I ask what?’

Betts swallowed. ‘Between my second child and little Joseph over there I had a miscarriage. A late one, literally days after we told people the news.’ Her eyes reddened but she continued. ‘Sandy told me I would be pregnant again within a year and that it would be a boy.’