Page 16 of Deadly Fate

‘Got it,’ Bryant said.

‘Lisa Brown is a property developer or something. You can find her breaking someone’s balls at that building site over in Netherton.’

‘The flats?’ Kim clarified.

Catherine nodded.

Kim knew the site. It had been a small retail park just off the Cinder Bank Island that had planning permission for thirty new flats.

‘Then there’s Emily, a post-op cancer survivor,’ she said, pointing to her chest. ‘That’s about all I know.’

Bryant took down the number.

‘And finally, there’s Rose who can’t do a downward dog to save her life, although she does try, bless her. Maybe without those extra pounds but who am I to judge?’

And yet you seem to, Kim thought, letting the comment pass as Catherine read out Rose’s number.

‘And where might we find Rose?’

‘That’s a good question. I don’t actually know anything about her except that she works in a hospital.’

‘Okay, is that everyone that was here on Thursday night?’

‘Yeah, unless you count two teenage boys who cut holes in my Egyptian cotton sheets to barge in making spooky noises.’

‘Your husband?’

‘Working late. He got home an hour after everyone had gone and wolfed down the leftover sushi.’

Bryant put his notebook away. They had everything they needed, but Kim was intrigued to learn more.

‘Did the night go well? Did anyone learn anything?’ she asked.

‘Well no one’s Aunt Mabel came through to tell them where the valuable brooch had been hidden, if that’s what you mean.’

It wasn’t exactly what she’d meant.

‘To be honest, the whole atmosphere changed a bit after Betts’s husband came. I mean Lisa was already seething after her reading. Seems she might have a little something in her past she doesn’t really want broadcasted, so she didn’t mind the distraction.’

‘Of the husband turning up?’ Kim clarified.

‘Yeah, but Betts took him into the lounge. They had a private conversation but we knew he was just sitting on the drive waiting for her. Kinda made everyone feel like the night was over.’

‘Other than that do you feel that everyone got what they wanted from the session?’

The question brought a slight tension to Catherine’s jaw. ‘Oh, no one expected to get anything serious out of it. It was just light entertainment. A bit of a laugh.’

The words and sentiment sounded totally convincing.

Except her expression said something completely different.

And it was that expression that stayed with Kim long after they’d watched Catherine get in her car and leave for work.


Stacey resolved to put the laptop to one side for a short time while she focussed on the two names she’d been given by the boss: Father George Markinson and Terence Birch. She decided to start with the man who had found the body.

Following her usual process, she typed his name into the PNC. The Police National Computer was a database used by the police and other bodies.