Page 58 of Too Late

Josh nodded. He grabbed Chloe’s hand. “I’ll be right back.”

She squeezed his hand before he walked away.

Amelia giggled. “It’s about time.”

Gabe raised an eyebrow. “So all you two needed was a little alone time with a crazy person trying to kill you?”

“I guess so. The whole life or death thing definitely didn’t hinder us admitting what you two probably thought was obvious.”

“Worked for Caleb and me too.” Amelia pulled Chloe into a hug.

Josh came up behind Chloe. Letting go of Amelia, Chloe stepped back against Josh, who put his hands on her shoulders. “How’s your leg?”

“Good enough to walk out of here—as long as it’s not too far.”

“Then I say, let’s go home.”

“Best idea I’ve ever heard.”

Josh took her hand, and the group of them trekked out the way the search party had come from.

When the rock face with the cave came into view, she stopped.

Josh tugged on her hand.

She pulled him to a stop. “I free-climbed that?”

“It’s shorter than what you did back there.” He pointed over his shoulder.

A shudder rippled through her body. “Desperate times, I guess.”

“You’re braver than you think.” He faced her fully and brought his lips to hers.


Chloesetherforkon her plate and pulled her shawl around her shoulders. No matter how warm it was in the reception hall, she was pretty sure she’d be cold forever. Ever since making it out of the woods a few days ago, she’d felt the need to be bundled up in the most amount of fleece possible, so the sleeveless bridesmaid’s dress with silky shawl was not cutting it today.

The DJ played another upbeat country song, and Gabe and Aliza tore up the dance floor.

Josh came up behind her and put his suit jacket across her shoulders. “Dance with me?”

“Please.” Standing, she let her shawl drop to her chair and slid her arms into Josh’s jacket sleeves.

He offered his hand and led her out onto the floor. The fast song finished, and Brett Young’s “In Case You Didn’t Know” played. There was so much the two of them hadn’t said to one another over the last seven years, but now, finally, they’d told the truth to themselves and one another.

Josh twirled her around and pulled her close. “I love you.”

She giggled. “Ditto.”

She laid her head on Josh’s shoulder, and they swayed to the rhythm of the music.

Kristinn’s body had eventually been found, and Elliot had been a wreck, but Chloe, while heartbroken for their family, was relieved to know she wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder, not knowing if someone was out to kill her.

As they continued to dance, all the craziness of getting kidnapped and lost in the woods faded. Josh and Chloe’s future was bright and hopeful. She breathed in the warmth of Josh’s embrace. Why had she waited so long to trust God with every aspect of her life, especially this one?

No matter what happened, she could see how God was always at work for her good and His glory. And she praised Him for it.

“All right, folks, single ladies, it’s time to hit the dance floor. Gents, please remove yourselves. It’s time for a lucky lady to catch the bouquet.”