Page 54 of Too Late

All right, Jesus, be my anchor and secure me to this mountain. I trust You!

Chapter Twenty-One

Chloeclimbedwithoutanyregard to the height she was scaling. Josh mattered more. She had to get to him.

One hand over the other. Right foot up. Left foot up. She climbed as if she’d been doing it every day of her life.

Thankfully, the ledges were wide and close enough that she gripped fingerholds and footrests with ease.

Halfway up, Kristinn called for her again.

Chloe clung to the rock.

“Don’t listen, Chloe. Run.”

If Josh could see her now. If only she had a way of telling him she was coming.

The sound of struggle above met her ears.


She climbed faster.

An object flew over her head. She glanced fast enough to see the shotgun as it splashed into the water below. Way below.

Her stomach churned. Her hands shook.I don’t want to be afraid. Help.

A peace flooded her soul and steadied her hands.

She climbed.

The very top of the cliff jutted out about eight inches, and several plants grew around it.

She wrapped her hand in the exposed roots and yanked to see how strong they were. They held. She gripped them as tight as she could and pulled her feet a bit higher to different holds until her knees were bent like a frog against the wall. It wasn’t time to give herself away, but she needed to know what was happening above her.

She pressed down on her legs and peeked over the top.

Josh and Kristinn grappled with one another.

Kristinn pinned Josh to the ground and raised her fist.

Chloe found a pebble and chucked it at Kristinn’s head. The pebble hit its mark.

Kristinn whipped around.

Chloe ducked back down below the edge.

The sound of flesh colliding with flesh brought Chloe back above the edge.

They were on their feet again, and Kristinn stepped closer to Chloe. Josh must have punched her. Her back was to the drop, right in front of Chloe.

She grabbed for Kristinn’s ankle as Josh flung another punch. Chloe yanked on Kristinn’s leg. Josh’s fist met her head.

Kristinn stumbled back and over the side of the cliff.

Chloe couldn’t let go fast enough. Her feet slipped off the edge with the force of the two-hundred-pound woman pulling her down.

Chloe screamed.