Page 80 of Before I Tell You

It’s true. He was pretty fucked up and ended up disappearing later in the evening. I assumed he was either passed out or hooking up with a girl in his room. Never bothered to find out.

“So, I guess the real question is … are you really whipped?” Brian asks. “I never actually thought that day would come for either of us.” The thought makes him chuckle.

“Yeah, about that …” I look down at my drink. Why am I nervous to tell him about Natalie?

“Well, who is she?” Brian asks. He notices the worried expression on my face. “What? Do I know her or something?”

Here goes nothing. “It’s Natalie.”

“Natalie who?” Brian looks like he is racking his brain for a last name, and then his eyes go wide. “Natalie Spencer?” His voice gets louder, and he sits up from his chair in shock. “Are you insane?”

“Yes, Natalie Spencer. What’s the big deal?” I’m confused by his reaction.

He composes himself and leans back in his chair as his eyes stare into the fire. “Nothing, I’m just surprised in your taste. She’s always been a bitch.”

“When was Natalie ever a bitch?” I ask, now getting defensive.

“Oh, dude, you know how she is. Acting like the queen of everyone around her. She is as prude as they come and has always acted like she is better than everyone else.” He grabs another can of beer from the cooler beside him. “Just because her daddy makes more money than everyone from that goddamn town doesn’t give her the right to—” but he stops. “Whatever, man, it’s your life.” He begins to chug down his beer.

What the actual fuck?

This is not the reaction I was expecting from my best friend. I thought he would be happy for me. But this?

“Well, if we’re being honest here, I don’t remember her acting that way.Ever.” I finish what’s left of my drink, crush the empty beer can, and toss it beside me. Natalie … a bitch? Acting like the queen of everyone around her? Nope. Never. And prude? If only Brian had any idea how very not prude Natalie is. But he will never find that part out. My lips are sealed shut with those pleasant thoughts. And Brian’s in no position to be upset about how much money the Spencers have when he’s living a pretty identical fiscal life to them.What the hell?He’s never had a financial burden in his life. I have no idea where this hatred for Natalie is coming from, and then a thought immediately comes to my mind. Something I should have asked him the moment I walked through the front door. “Did something happen between you guys?”

“Who? Me and Natalie? No way,” he says, shaking his head adamantly. “Not my type.”

“Not your type? Ok …” Now I know something is up because Natalie has to be his type. Natalie is every guy’s type. And every girl on this planet is Brian’s type.

“I don’t get it, man. Like, what happened? The slut got on her back for you or let me guess … her knees. Am I right? And now you’ve forgotten how to—”

I bolt upright in my chair, feeling the wood crack beneath me, ready to give out. “Don’t ever fucking talk about Natalie like that.” My fists slam down onto the arms of the chair as I practically growl at Brian. Now he’s crossed the line.

“Jeez, relax, Nate.” Brian laughs, which manages to piss me off more. “Didn’t realize you had actual feelings for the girl. Thought you were just getting some ass.”

“It’s not like that with Natalie.” I stare at Brian, trying to get him unsettled, but nothing about this bothers him in the slightest. “She’s different.”

“Ok. Right.” Brian responds dryly.

I slowly lean back in my chair, willing my body to calm down. A few minutes of uncomfortable silence pass before I can’t take it anymore. I reach into my pocket to pull out my phone but remember that I left it in my old room charging.

I’m out of here.

“Well, I’m going to call it a night, man. I’ll find you in the morning before I leave.” I stand up and make my way toward the back door, still feeling my blood boil from Brian’s words.

I didn’t come here tonight to fight with my best friend.

“Wait.” I turn to see that Brian’s caught up to me.

“Sorry, Nate, I don’t know what came over me. I’ve probably had one too many,” he rakes his hand over his buzz cut and looks from the ground back to me with eyes that remain bloodshot. “I’m happy for you. I mean it.” He puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“Thanks, Brian. I appreciate it.” I'm sure the alcohol and whatever else in his system made him act out the way he did. Right?

“Just be careful,” he adds before turning back to his chair.

What the fuck does that mean?

But I tell myself it’s not worth it. He’s drunk, high, and who knows what else. Confronting him about anything right now would only end badly.