Page 39 of Before I Tell You

“Oh, you know, the naïve girl follows the hot guy into the woods only to go missing, and she’s never seen again.”

Nathan stops walking abruptly. I look up at him to find he’s smiling with a gleam in his eye. “So, you think I’m hot?”

My cheeks instantly flush. “That’s not what I was … just keep walking,” I tell him. And he does, while keeping the same irresistible smile plastered on his face.

We eventually come upon a thick mess of vines and branches, which Nathan pushes aside to reveal why he brought me here.

I gasp. “Where are we?”

“Remember when you asked me where my favorite place to go is? Or, actually, I think you called it myhappy place, right?” He lets out a small laugh.

I nod my head, mesmerized by the sight.

“Well, this is it.”

“This place is so beautiful,” I say while I look around, taking everything in.

There’s a small area of white sand that looks like it has never been stepped on. The space is surrounded by boulders of different sizes, which has turned the beach into a private cove, hiding it from the outside world. The ocean water is crystal clear, and there isn’t anyone or anything in sight. And the only sound I hear is the soft rumble of each ocean wave coming to shore.

“I thought you might like it,” he says with certainty. “This place has been my little hideout whenever I needed an escape. No one has ever bothered me here.” He pushes his hair back and looks off like he’s deep in thought. “I came across it as a kid when my family first moved here. Actually, I ran away from home and found it by accident. At the time, I thought I would stay here forever, but eventually, I got hungry. And after realizing I wasn’t going to be able to catch any fish with my hands, I went back home.” He laughs at the memory.

“What would you need to escape from?” I ask. From what I know of Nathan, he has a nice family, did well in school, and excelled in sports. So I find it odd he would need a place to hide.

Nathan looks away from me. “We all have secrets, Natalie.” For some reason, I feel like he is referring to my secret, but surely not. “Come to think of it, I’ve never brought anyone here before.”

“You-you never took anyone here?” I’m surprised by this information.

“No, not until today.” He turns to look at me with a shy smile.

Then he takes my hand and leads us to the sand where we sit. The sun is hiding behind some clouds, which makes it a little chilly, so Nathan automatically unzips his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. I lean my head against him, and we both sit silently for some time, listening to the small waves crash against the rocks.

“I think this is now my new favorite spot,” I reveal.

A small gust of wind presses my hair in front of my face, so Nathan gently pushes it back. “I’m so glad to hear that. Any time you want to come here, just let me know.”

“Oh, good, because I will never remember how we got here.” This causes us both to laugh, and wow, do I love hearing Nathan’s laugh.

“Well, should we get going?” he asks.

“No,” I whine, then begrudgingly say, “alright, if we have to.”

Nathan stands up, brushing the sand from his pants. He offers me a hand, which I take, and he pulls me up with ease.

“Thank you for coming here with me.” He wraps his strong arms around my waist as he looks at me with warmth in his eyes.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” I say.

His hands cup my face as he places a tender kiss on my lips. Our mouths mold together perfectly. And then, instead of our usual hot and heavy action, we begin to move slowly and more intimately with each other. And I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

Eventually, his lips part ever so gradually from mine, and he says, “Let’s go, beautiful.”

Nathan leads us back to his car, hand in hand, and we continue our drive. He takes a few back roads, bringing us more inland where we’re no longer able to see the ocean. I am about to close my eyes when I see a giant sign for fresh cider donuts and apple picking down the road.

My eyes open wide, and I look over at Nathan. “Can we?” I ask with a little more enthusiasm than I intend. “Please?”

Nathan smiles and turns the car into the farm entrance, making my tummy and heart very happy.

“Wow, I guess this is a popular place to be,” he says as he looks for a parking spot in the overcrowded lot.