Page 24 of Before I Tell You

“W-works for me,” I say, trying not to get too excited about where she just placed my hand. Her hands slide into the front pocket too and one of them holds mine tightly. Our fingers interlock, but I use my thumb to rub little circles on her soft skin.

The rain starts to lessen as I pull out of the parking spot and head in the direction of Natalie’s apartment. I don’t want this night to end, so I drive slowly, taking a longer route back to her place, when an idea comes to mind.

“Any plans this weekend?” I ask.

“No. I’ll probably just be at the library reading and writing some papers. What about you?”

“Well, tomorrow morning, I’m driving back home. There are some things I have to take care of, so if you want a ride home for the weekend, you’re more than welcome to join me. I’ll be coming back on Sunday night, and I’m not going to lie, it would be nice to have some company on the ride.” I look over and see her smile.

She thinks things through before she responds, though. “Ok. I’m in.”

“Great,” I say as we pull up outside her apartment building. “I’ll come by in the morning around 9 a.m. Does that work?”

“Yeah, that works for me.” Natalie makes no move to leave my car. She stares at the front pocket where her hands are still holding onto mine while biting down on her bottom lip.

Damn those perfect lips.

I move my free hand to her chin and gently lift her face so our eyes meet. “Goodnight, Natalie,” I say and bring my lips to hers one more time. She takes her hands out of the pocket and wraps them around my neck, pulling me closer. After a few seconds, I slowly part my lips from hers before things intensify.

She pushes her hair out of her face before saying, “Goodnight, Nathan.” She puts one hand on the door handle but then turns back to face me. “Oh, your sweatshirt. I almost forgot.” She looks like she is about to take it off, forgetting that she no longer has a shirt on under it, so I place my hand on hers to stop her.

“Keep it.”

“Ok,” she says without hesitation. She opens the door and sprints under the light rain to the lobby door. Within seconds, I can no longer see her.

With some soft music playing in the background, I drive back to my dorm room and pull into the parking lot. As I walk into my room, exhaustion hits me, and I jump into my bed, relieved that once again, I seem to have the place to myself for the night.

A soft buzzing comes from my pocket, and I pull out my phone to see who’s texting me.

Unknown Number: Thanks for tonight. I had a really nice time.

I quickly add Natalie into my contacts.

Me: I had a really great time too. Thanks again for helping me earn some extra credit.

Natalie: Haha I thought you said this was a date?

Me: Oh this was definitely a date. In fact, it was the best date I’ve ever had.

Natalie: Goodnight Nathan.

Me: Goodnight Natalie. See you tomorrow.

I shut my phone off and toss it on the nightstand next to my bed. My eyes feel heavy and close slowly as my mind begins to wander into a dream.

The scene appears in black and white. I’m wearing a trench coat and holding Natalie tightly while rain pours down, and our lips lock with an intensity unknown to most.

* * *

At 9 a.m. on the dot, I pull my car up to Natalie’s apartment building, and she comes running out with her bag in hand.

“I’m glad you asked me to come. I know it’s only been a week, but I can’t wait to see my family.” She tosses her bag in the back and then gets settled in the passenger seat.

“Yeah, no problem. I’m glad you’re here,” I say as I start the car and head toward Connecticut. I’ve always envied how close Natalie and her family are.

After not even an hour on the road, Natalie falls asleep with her head tilted against the headrest. She looks so peaceful, but the slight bags under her eyes make me think she didn’t sleep well last night. When I stop at the next red light, I unzip my jacket and place it over her body.

A few hours later, I pull into the driveway of Natalie’s family home. The house resembles more of a mansion than a typical home.