Page 22 of Before I Tell You

He drinks another mouthful before saying, “Alright, my turn.” He stares into the distance, thinking about what to ask. “Where is the one place in the world you would like to go?”

“That’s easy. Paris,” I say immediately. “I’ve always wanted to go there, ever since I was a little girl. But I guess I’ve never made time in my life, or maybe I just never had someone to go with, I don’t know.” I look up to the sky. “To stay in a room that overlooks the Eiffel Tower so that I can see it twinkle at night, eat a crepe from every outdoor food stand, spend a whole day exploring the Louvre, and dress up for dinner and a show at the Moulin rouge … I’m babbling, aren’t I?” I shift uncomfortably on the blanket, feeling like I’ve said too much.

“Not at all. I enjoy watching you talk about something you’re so passionate about,” he responds with a look that tells me he is processing every word I just said.

I notice that we somehow seem to be sitting closer to each other on the blanket. Did he move closer, or did I?

“Ok, my turn,” I say, starting to enjoy this game. “Hmm, let me think.” I take the final sip of my drink and then place the empty cup on the ground beside me. “Alright. I have one. Where is your happy place?”

“My happy place?” His expression is one of confusion.

“You know, like the one place in the world that makes you the happiest no matter what might be going on in life.”

He starts thinking, but for whatever reason, I feel like he is fighting with himself to answer my question. Sitting in silence, not knowing what to say, I’m relieved whenThe Dark Knightbegins projecting on the giant screen.

Nathan positions himself lying down on his back with his hands under his head for support. His pullover comes up just a bit, revealing rock-hard abs that make my insides tingle. I turn away from him and continue sitting cross-legged with my chin in my hands.

“That doesn’t look too comfortable,” Nathan says. “Here, use this as a pillow.” He tosses me the jacket he had brought for himself.

I look around at everyone else, who are also lying down to watch the movie. Then, placing the folded jacket on the edge of the blanket, I lie down slowly until it supports my head.

“Better?” he asks with a knowing smile.

“Much better.” We both turn toward the screen, our bodies only a couple of inches apart.

* * *

The movie is about halfway through when I start wishing that time would slow down, if only for tonight.

Nathan keeps making little comments. It usually annoys me when people talk during movies, but for some reason, when he does it, I enjoy it.

Probably because every time he says something to me, he moves his mouth close to my ear and whispers tenderly against my skin. And every time his voice resonates there, it sends shivers down my whole body. So yeah, that’s probably why.

I end up having a second glass of wine, which makes me feel even more relaxed, and I boldly inch closer to Nathan, feeling the warmth from his body.

In response, Nathan moves closer to me, eliminating the space between us.

He turns to me and begins to whisper in my ear when something wet drops on my face.Rain. And I don’t mean like a drizzle but a sudden torrential downpour.

“Shit,” I hear Nathan say as he jumps up and begins to throw everything in the cooler.

I pull the sweatshirt off me and hold it over my head to protect myself from the rain and try to help pick up our things.

“Forget it. Let’s go!” Nathan shouts over the thunder that is now booming in the background.

He grabs my hand, and we bolt in the opposite direction of his car.

There’s an abandoned-looking brick building covered by vines with a small roof sticking out between the alleyway that Nathan notices and takes us to. No one else at the Common seems to see this spot as they all dash for their cars on the other side of the park, leaving only us two standing here. Good thing, too, because the roof barely covers the both of us.

I drop what items I had managed to save, along with the sweatshirt that was still in my hands, then look up at Nathan. His eyes are wide and staring right at me, and his mouth is slightly parted.Oh no. I look down and see that the white blouse I had chosen to wear was no longer slightly see-through but now completely see-through, revealing everything, including my white lace bra.

Nathan shakes his head, looks away, and takes his pullover off. The black T-shirt he has on underneath is damp and sticking to every contour of his chest. His arms appear solid, like he could pick me up without any problem, and for a split second, I want to know what that would feel like.

My thought is interrupted when he hands me his pullover to put on. I take it from him, eager to cover myself, but then, without thought, I drop it to the ground.

Nathan narrows his eyes in question until I take one daring step closer to him, filling in the small space between us. My head is level with his chest, and I can see my breath in the frigid air coming out quickly as my pulse races.

We remain frozen in place until his hand slowly rises and begins to graze my skin at the opening of my blouse, where the top button has come undone, sending shivers down my spine. I feel my breath catch as his hand slides, ever so slowly, up my neck and to my chin, which he then tilts upward, making me meet his dark eyes. And every second spent staring into them causes my heart to pound louder, comparable to the thunder in the distance.