Page 19 of Before I Tell You

Nervous? Am I feeling nervous?

I can’t remember ever feeling this way about a girl before. But I could live with it, especially if it meant I would be spending my Friday night with Natalie.



AT 7 P.M. ON THE dot, the concierge calls to let me know a gentleman is waiting downstairs for me. I tell him I’ll be right down then grab my bag and stop in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom. I take one last look at myself, which causes my stomach to twist into a thousand anxious little knots.

When Nathan asked to see me tonight, I immediately thoughtno. I had spent all week trying to bury my feelings for him way down. I mean, likewaydown. Further than I knew possible. The thing was, the harder I tried to stop thinking about him, the more he made his way back into my head. Back into my heart.

But about thirty seconds after Nathan asked me to go to the Boston Common with him, and about thirty seconds after I had immediately thought it was a bad idea, I heard a small voice in my head say,yes.

So that’s exactly what I said.

Though, after I made it inside my apartment, I realized I only had a few hours to pick out an outfit, shower, and do my hair and makeup before he picked me up. So, I took a quick, hot shower, and when I got out, I found myself standing in front of my closet for twenty minutes without any clue as to what I should wear. But then it occurred to me that I have a very stylish neighbor who could help with my dilemma.

I marched over to Sarah’s apartment in my bathrobe and knocked a few times on her door, hoping she would be home. When she, thankfully, opened her door, I explained my predicament while slightly begging for her assistance. Her face lit up with excitement at my request, and she returned with me to my closet.

Sarah and I ended up choosing a dark pair of high-rise jeans, a white blouse I could tuck in, and a black pair of ballet flats. The shirt was just the slightest bit see-through, but we thought it still looked classy with a white lace bra underneath. After putting everything on and looking in the mirror, I found that my nerves were starting to evaporate.

Sarah looked me up and down, proud of her work, and said, “I expect a full report when you get back.” She left after wishing me good luck, and that’s when the nerves returned.

After one final look in the mirror, I take a deep breath and begin my trip down to the lobby.

When I step out of the elevator, I see Nathan standing against the wall, and my breath catches. He’s wearing a black pullover with a dark pair of jeans, looking like he just left a Calvin Klein photo shoot. He notices me walking over to him, and an adorable smile appears on his face.


“You look … well, you look great, Natalie,” Nathan says, and his cheeks redden.

“Thanks.” I lightly pull on my shirt sleeve and look anywhere but at him.

Nathan leads the way to the lobby door and holds it open for me. “After you.”

We step outside, and I see his car parked in front of the building. He opens the passenger door for me and waits for me to get in before shutting it. After he jumps in the driver’s side, he starts the car, and we are on our way.

There is a silence between us that I don’t like, so I say the first thing that comes to mind. “I’m still kind of surprised that you wanted to go out with me tonight.” I turn my attention to the passenger window, instantly regretting my choice of words.

“You’re surprised?” he asks.

“Well, to be honest, yes, I am.” I shrug. “I mean, I haven’t seen you since … well, in a long time.” I can feel my cheeks burn at the mere thought of that moment on the beach.

“Well, if we’re being honest with each other, I’m surprised you agreed to come. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re here right now, but I’m still surprised.” He pauses. “Why did you agree to come with me tonight?” He looks over at me quickly but then puts his eyes back on the road.

“I umm … I don’t know.” I stare out the window, unable to come up with a reason as to why I was here. Or a reason I could admit out loud in front of him without completely embarrassing myself. I couldn’t admit that, for the past week, it had been virtually impossible for me to even get the thought of him out of my head.

“You think about that night too, don’t you?” He doesn’t look at me, but I notice his grip on the steering wheel tightens.

I know right away what night he’s referring to. The night I wish I could relive over and over again, also known as the night we shared our first kiss. I look first at him and then down to my lap as I slowly shake my head up and down. “Yes,” comes out of my mouth in only a whisper, but I know he heard me.

“I thought you … never mind.”

“You thought what?” I ask, bringing my eyes up to him.

He hesitates before answering. “Did I do something wrong that night?”

“Wrong?” I ask in surprise. There was absolutely nothing wrong about that kiss.