Page 18 of Before I Tell You

Professor Clark walks to the front of the class. “Please pass your papers to the front so I can collect them.”

I take my paper out of my bag and pass it to the person in front of me.

“Also, if anyone is interested in earning some extra credit, tonight at the Boston Common, there will be a showing of a film you may all be familiar with:The Dark Knight. If you attend and then present to me on Monday with your ticket as evidence along with a one-page detailed paper on why you either like or dislike the film, I will give you twenty points to use on any future assignment or test.”

While much of the class cheers at this bit of news, a lightbulb goes off for me.

An evening at the Boston Common while lying under the stars next to a beautiful girl might not be such a bad way to spend my Friday night, especially if that girl is Natalie.

“Ok, ok, settle down. Now we will be finishing the classic film,Casablanca.” He stands in front of his computer until the film starts projecting on the white screen and then walks over to the door to shut the lights off. I’m starting to think this might be the best class I have ever had.

The silence between Natalie and me during the film feels deafening. I want to say something but know not to, so I spend the next hour looking straight ahead at the movie.

A soft rhythmic noise comes from her direction, making me turn my head. I notice her fingers drumming gently against her desk, and when I look up at her face, she seems lost in thought, staring out the window beside her. And just as I turn back to the screen, Humphrey Bogart is watching a vintage plane fly away, and suddenly the lights in the classroom turn on.

“There is no assignment for tonight, so have a good weekend. I will see you all on Monday,” Professor Clark says before being the first one to exit the classroom.

I throw my book into my bag and get out of my seat, noticing Natalie packing her things too. But it doesn’t seem like she is rushing to leave this time. Turning to make my way out the door, I stop when I hear her soft voice behind me.

“Thanks again for the coffee,” she says. “I didn’t realize how much I needed one.” She gives a little lighthearted laugh, automatically making me smile.

I turn back around. “Yeah, it’s really no big deal.” I adjust the strap of my bag over my shoulder, but she makes no motion to leave. “Is this your last class today?” I ask.

“Yes, I was just going to head back to my apartment,” she says, now gazing down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. She looks like she is trying to think of something to say as she twirls a piece of blonde hair between her fingers.

She also bites down tenderly on her bottom lip, which drives me crazy.

What I would give to taste those lips again.

“Would you want me to … walk you back to your apartment?” I ask. I hope I didn’t just make things weird. But relief washes over me as a small smile appears on her face.

“I’d like that,” she answers.

We leave the classroom side by side. The walk goes by quickly as we make small talk about our courses and teachers. But when we near her building, I hear someone yell my name. I look around and see Tim leaning against a wire fence that surrounds a basketball court. There’s a pickup game going on behind him that he must be playing in.

“Dude, will I see you at Danny’s house party tonight?” He screams across the way, loud enough so I and everyone else nearby can hear him.

“No, man, I don’t think so,” I yell back. I have other intentions in mind for tonight.

“Come on, man! It’s going to be a full-out rave!” He pleads with me. “You can bring that fine-looking thing next to you! Wait a second … is that Natalie Spencer?”

I look over at Natalie, who I can tell is completely mortified. “No, sorry, another time,” I say and continue with Natalie to her apartment. We walk through the entrance, and I notice the building even has a concierge service.

Of course, it does.

“Sorry about him. He’s not a bad guy. He just doesn’t know when to shut his mouth,” I say with a slight shrug.

She keeps her gaze straight ahead and says, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t used to it.” Then she glances up at me. “Was that Tim Horgan from high school?”

“Yeah, it was. I ran into him last weekend. He lives at one of the frat houses nearby.” I’m relieved she isn’t upset by his stupid comment, and I decide this is the moment to ask her about tonight. “You know, I was thinking …” My heart feels like it is beating faster than it should be. “Would you maybe be interested in going to the Boston Common tonight? You know, for the extra credit.” I look around, too nervous to make eye contact with her, and when I finally do, I can tell the wheels in her head are spinning. “I’m not exactly sure how busy it will be, but it could be fun, and who knows what—”

But she quickly cuts me off and says, “Yes. I’d love to.” The genuine smile on her face tells me she means it.

“Great!” I exclaim, maybe a little too excitedly. “I mean, yeah, that’s great. I’ll come back here around seven to pick you up.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then,” she says and, in a nervous gesture, tucks a small strand of hair behind her ear. Then she turns and heads to the elevator.

I leave Natalie’s building and start walking in the direction of my dorm room. I’m looking forward to tonight, but I’m also feeling … what is this feeling?