Page 92 of Before I Tell You

“Hey, guys,” I say, giving a little wave.

“Hey, Nat! I didn’t know you were coming home tonight.” Jason looks genuinely happy to see me.

“Surprise!” My mom shouts as she walks in holding dishes of food. She places them on the table in front of everyone. “I thought it would be a nice surprise for you, Jason, since I know how much you’ve missed your sister.”

“Not true,” he says as his cheeks begin to redden. I’m glad I’m not the only one in the family whose cheeks give their emotions away.

“Oh, Jason,” I say, walking over to him and squeezing him as tightly as I can manage.

“Ok, ok, get off of me,” he says with a chuckle.

“I’ve missed you too.” I take a seat at the table. Jason and Nathan shake hands, and Jason introduces Nathan to Grace. Nathan then sits beside me, Jason and Grace sit across from us, and my mom and dad sit at both ends of the table.

“Isn’t this a lovely sight,” my mom states as she looks around at everyone. I swear her eyes are beginning to tear up. “Ok, well, everyone, dig in!”

Nathan dishes some food onto my plate before getting his own and tells my mom throughout the evening how delicious everything is. My dad and Nathan talk about sports and Nathan’s job at the Yacht Club in Boston and how he’d someday like to manage or own a marina, which makes my dad very happy to hear. Next, Jason and Grace discuss their plans for an upcoming ski trip that they will be taking during winter break. Then my mom tells everyone about her plans for her and my dad to attend a stress management retreat. The eye roll from my dad tells me how excited he is about this. As I look around at everyone talking and getting along so well, warmth spreads through me.

I take my left hand and find Nathan’s hand under the table, already waiting for mine.

When everyone has finished eating, my mom gets up to start clearing the table. “So, I picked up almost every flavor of ice cream imaginable and thought you guys could find something for us to watch in the family room tonight.”

“Let me help you with that.” Nathan picks up some plates from the table and takes them to the kitchen.

Jason and Grace follow suit, but my dad and I stay behind. I hear laughter from the kitchen as Jason tries to convince Nathan he can beat him in any sport. I love my brother, but I know with certainty that Nathan would crush him in any physical competition.

My dad is staring off at the kitchen when he says, “I like him.”

“I like him too,” I respond.

“I think you picked a good one. If he hurts you, though, I will have to kill him,” my dad says while casually shrugging his shoulders.


“What? I’m your father. I have to say that,” he says, laughing.

I shake my head and grin. “I’m really glad you’re doing ok, dad.”

“I am too, sweetie,” he says softly and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Our sweet moment is over when my mom pokes her head in the dining room and says, “Come on, you guys, your ice cream is melting.”

“We better not keep the woman waiting,” my dad says as he gets up from his seat. “Speaking of ice cream, don’t forget we still have our ice cream date to schedule.”

“I haven’t forgotten. Can’t wait,” I remark with a smile, following my dad into the family room where I find Nathan sitting on the loveseat with a space beside him. I sit next to him, and he hands me a bowl of ice cream.

“I know cookies and cream used to be your favorite when we were younger, so I was hoping it still might be?” Nathan asks quietly.

Something so little as remembering my favorite ice cream flavor melts my heart. “You would be right.” I nestle closer to him as he pulls a blanket over our bodies.

Jason is about to start the movie, but when I look around, I notice my mom isn’t here. “Wait, where’s mom?”

“Happy Birthday, Nate!” On cue, my mom walks in with a beautiful birthday cake for Nathan. I had no idea she was planning on doing this. “We won’t embarrass you and sing happy birthday, but we are all so glad you are here tonight with us and just want you to have a great birthday.” She smiles and holds the cake in front of him, waiting for him to blow out the candles.

“Yeah, man, happy birthday!” Jason exclaims with a fist pump. “The big two-one! Don’t get too shit-faced tomorrow.”

“Jason. Really?” My mom shakes her head but the rest of us chuckle. “But actually, Nate, that reminds me. Please keep an eye on this one tomorrow night, won’t you?” She looks over at me before continuing, and my heart stops. “I don’t want to get a call from the hospital again like last year telling me that you slipped and fell on ice trying to get home before curfew.” She shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the memory, then a slight smile appears. “Well, at least we can laugh about it now, right?”

“R-right,” I whisper.