And I was starting to realize that I unleashed a monster. No, I take that back. I unleashed a sex fiend, and I was enjoying every tantalizing second of it.
But unfortunately, tonight, I will be getting an unwanted break since I’m heading up to New Hampshire after class to see Brian and the old gang. It’s been a while, so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again, but I’m not happy about spending a night without Natalie in my arms. Something I had been quickly getting used to.
How pathetic do I sound?
I walk into History of Films as the clock strikes two and see Natalie in her usual seat. Just the sight of her makes my heart race.
She’s wearing a short black skirt that shows off her long golden legs. The same legs that I was running my hands up and down just last night. A white button-down top tucked in and a tight black leather jacket completes her pleasing look.
She doesn’t see me standing in the doorway, so I lean against the frame and pull out my phone.
Me: What are you doing to me?
I see her flip over her phone, which is lying on the desk in front of her buzzing away. She smiles slightly then looks up to find me admiring her from afar before returning to her phone. Within seconds, I feel my phone buzz.
Natalie: Just making sure you know what you’ll be missing tonight.
This girl is something else.
I take my seat next to her as the professor starts discussing the next film he will be showing:Saving Private Ryan.
Finally, an action-packed movie. The kind of movie I like. Not that last week’s sappy film didn’t pull at my heartstrings, but I mean, who actually writes someone three hundred and sixty-five letters? Wouldn’t that be considered harassment after the first dozen unreciprocated letters? But for some reason, every woman in this class finds it romantic.
Go figure.
“Hey,” I say just loud enough so only Natalie can hear me.
“Hey,” she says back.
The professor pulls down the projection screen and starts to hit some buttons on his computer until the film appears. When the lights shut off, I can feel the sexual tension between Natalie and me magnify, so I pull out my phone to keep the conversation going.
Me: I really wish there was no one in this classroom.
Natalie: Why?
Me: Cause I want you to sit on the desk in front of me so I can bury my head under that skirt.
Natalie: Oh I don’t think anyone in class would mind if you did, especially me.
Me: Don’t tempt me baby cause I can’t even tell you how fucking hard you’re making me right now.
The most beautiful blush spreads over her cheeks.
After class ends, we grab our bags and head to Natalie’s apartment.
“Are you going to miss me?” I ask as we approach her building.
“Oh, I just won’t know what to do with myself,” she teases. “Actually, I ended up making plans with Sarah, so we’re going to some bar tonight that she likes.”
“That sounds like fun.” I was glad she would be going out with a friend because every now and then when she gets lost in her thoughts, I can’t help but feel like a piece of her is missing. That piece being Vanessa. “Can you do me a favor, though?” I ask.
“Can you text or call me when you get home tonight so I know you’re safe?” I tilt her chin so I can look right into her stormy grey eyes.
“Of course,” she says before touching her lips to mine.
God, those perfect lips.