Page 100 of Before I Tell You

A moment later, the whole machine steadily shakes beneath me, vibrating every square inch of my body. He turned the spin setting on high.

“Nathan …” I whimper, squirming beneath him.

“Look at you, baby. Taking it like such a good girl.” His thrusts get deeper. The vibrations get stronger. And my body is on the edge of shattering.

I can feel the orgasm looming as my body tenses in his arms. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes, waiting for the all-consuming pleasure.

“Together, beautiful,” he groans, giving one final thrust, sending me into oblivion. He holds my trembling body securely against his chest, both of us finishing at the same time.

Nathan’s heart, thundering in his chest, mirrors my own.

He reaches for the power button on the machine to shut it off, probably after noticing how drained I feel while I cling to his body for support.

A few silent minutes pass as we both hold onto each other. Nathan rests his head on my shoulder, catching his breath, while I bury my head into his chest, cherishing this feeling of pure ecstasy.

“I don’t know what I would do without you tonight,” he says into my neck.

His words make me smile, and I hold onto him tighter, if that’s even possible.

“Unfortunately, we should probably get going before anyone starts looking for us.” Nathan lets out a deep sigh, kisses my forehead, and separates from me.

My body instantly craves him.

“I suppose you’re right,” I respond.

Nathan bends down to pick up his costume and puts it on before helping me with mine. Every piece of my outfit is scattered on the floor around us. He hands me my bra and top first then takes each of my legs and steps them inside my spandex shorts. He finishes by sliding my boots on each foot. Once again, he moves the dryer, putting it in place before turning back and lifting me off the washing machine with ease.

When my feet hit the ground, I realize my legs feel like Jell-O, so I reach out to him for support. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk straight.”

Nathan gives an arrogant little smirk. The man is proud of himself, and honestly … he should be. “Don’t worry. I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight.” His lips land softly on my forehead, and his hand intertwines with mine, leading us out of the laundry room.

When we walk out of the basement, I notice that everyone at this party is too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice that we were missing.

“Let’s get you a proper drink,” Nathan suggests as we enter the kitchen. He starts rummaging in the fridge and comes out with his arms full of different liquors.

“That sounds great to me. I’m pretty thirsty.”

I watch as he starts pouring different liquors into a cup and swirls them around. Proud of his concoction, he hands me the drink and waits for my reaction as I take a sip.

“Oh wow, this is really good.” Half of my drink is gone within seconds.

“Whoa, slow down, Wonder Woman. I don’t want to have to carry you out of here.” Nathan laughs.

“Make me another?” I ask as I hand him my empty cup.

“I don’t know if I should be turned on or disturbed at how fast you just drank that.” He begins to make another drink and hands it over, which produces a big smile from me.

This feeling of … well, I can’t put my finger on it, but it feels almost painfully too good to be true.

Nathan is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

“Want to head outside to the fire pit to see where the guys went?” Nathan asks.

“Sure—” My body freezes.

He’s not supposed to be here. Nathan said he wouldn’t be here.

Quickly, I’m overtaken with a shudder that has my heart beating in a state of panic. My palms become clammy, and my mind races. It’s always the same physical reaction to his presence.