Page 82 of Alpha's Redemption

Zoe is unbelievable. After whatever she endured, all she cares about is her mate and daughter. Her hands clutch me tightly, and I open the passenger side of my car, then help her in.

“She’s with Everly. She’s safe. But for now, I need to get you out of here and alert Valen about Officer Derrick'sson.” I snarl the last word.



Macey calls me as soon as she gets Zoe, and I demand Valen take me to the hospital to meet them. Macey also said to bring Officer Derrick along with us, so we leave the kids with Kalen and my father while we go off to meet them.

My anxiety is through the roof as we wait. We’re sitting in the room with Marcus, who’s coming out of sedation. Valen is trying to calm him down because as soon as his eyes opened he was trying to climb out of bed.

My phone starts ringing; I pull it from my pocket and answer it to find it’s Macey.

“I’m in a room a few doors down from Marcus. Hold off on letting him see her for a second. And come here. He shouldn't see her like this,” she tells me. I glance at Valen, who’s trying to hold Marcus in place. Officer Derrick whips out his handcuffs the moment Valen tells him and cuffs Marcus to the bed.

‘Macey has asked me to go see Zoe. Are you alright with him for a second?’I mind-link Valen and he nods, looking at officer Derrick, who also nods. Officer Derrick follows me a few doors down and I suck in a breath before opening the door and stepping in. What I could never have expected was the scene in front of me. Zoe is frantically fighting Macey, who’s trying to restrain her and calm her down.

Nurses stand around her and a doctor with a syringe looks like he was about to try to sedate her. I growl at him. He drops the needle, stepping away from her, and Zoe’s eyes snap to me; so does Macey’s, though the snarl that leaves her when officer Derrick walks in behind me is thunderous. The next second, she’s pulled his gun on him.

“Macey!” I hiss in shock, rushing to Zoe, who clutches my arms. Macey refuses to lower the gun, but I’m more focused on Zoe, who won’t let go of me, begging and pleading to be able to see Marcus and Casey.

“Shhh. Breathe, Zoe. Deep breaths. Marcus is fine. You can see him in a minute,” I whisper. Tears burn my eyes at seeing her so frantic. She reeks of multiple wolves’ scents, but I pick up one familiar scent. One that has my head turning toward Officer Derrick.

“Out!” Macey snarls, pointing the gun at him. He holds his hands up and does as she asks, stepping out of the room while she follows after him.

‘Valen, get to Derrick before Macey shoots him. She’s in the hall,’I mind link, turning my attention back to Zoe.

“I just want my baby! I want my Casey!” Zoe sobs, her nails digging into my arms.

My eyes run over her. She’s a mess, covered in blood, and I swallow against the pain in her voice, the desperation. I don't even think she registered Macey has left—her mind only has one focus, and that is to get to her family.

“Okay. But you don't want to scare Casey, do you?” I ask her and she appears to be confused. I grip her hands, prying them off my arms where she drew blood with her nails.

“You don’t want to scare Casey, Zoe,” I tell her, holding her hands up in front of her face. She blinks at me before noticing the blood on her hands.

“I promise I will take you to them. But you need to let the nurses check you over and…” I swallow, looking at them. “They need to take some swabs, so we can get those that hurt you. So they don't hurt anyone else,” I tell her and she blinks, staring at her hands that tremble violently.

“I don’t want to scare Casey,” she murmurs.

“That’s right, we don’t want to scare Casey. I am right here, okay. But I need you to lie down so we can make sure you're okay.” I feel stupid saying that. I know she isn't okay.

“I’m right here,” I tell her, nudging her toward the bed before turning to the doctor.

“Get a female doctor. You’re not touching her,” I tell him, and he rushes out.

Casey mutters to herself as she lies down. I can see she’s in shock, and she appears to remain in that state while doctors and nurses clean her up and run their tests. Suddenly, she lurches upright.

“Ava!” she gasps with wide eyes. “They still have Ava! You have to help her!”

Tears prick my eyes at her words, some escaping and slipping down my face.

“I know. But for now, my focus is on you,” I tell her.

Doc comes in. I’m about to tell him to get out because we have the female doctor here and that he isn’t really needed, but Zoe sits up.

“Marcus?” she asks, her voice pleading.

“He is down the hall. I can take you to him. But first, I have some officers who want to take a statement from you,” Doc tells her. He smiles at me sadly.