Page 5 of Alpha's Redemption


One Week Later

Ben has been in the hospital since that night. The doctors have no idea how he was able to shift, but it’s becoming clearer that someone is experimenting on not only the forsaken, but also those that were kidnapped from within the city.

This mystery facility that Emily spoke of has become the biggest target on the city’s radar. Everyone seems to understand the seriousness of getting to the bottom of it. Ben is not doing well, and every day I’ve been checking on him and waiting around until the hospital or Valen force me to go home. He’s alive, but still in a semi-deformed wolf state. Mostly, he’s been unresponsive, just like Emily, and none of the doctor's know how to help him or reverse what was done.

One thing was clear though, Ben had been made into a forsaken. He had turned savage. His little body is ravaged with infections, his heart enlarged, and the few times he’s woken, he’s tried to attack staff, which has now left him strapped to a bed like a mental patient with a muzzle. A once sweet boy has now been made into some science experiment, and it breaks my heart seeing him like this. The only comfort I have is that he shares a room with Emily.

Her state has not improved either, and the bizarre events are beginning to take a toll on everyone in the city. People are scared—and they should be. Only a monster could do this to a child. This only reignited my fire to ensure the rogues in the city are protected.

Hearing the door open, I look up to see Kalen step inside the room. He’s been a great help recently. Valen was busy with pack business, and I’ve been spending most of the time here or at my hotel, leaving Kalen to watch over Valarian. I never expected him to show up here.

Glancing at the time, I see it’s an hour before school pick up; I was about to head over to the school to pick up Valarian . I told Kalen I would today, knowing he needs a break, so I’m surprised when he steps into the hospital room.

Kalen glances down at Ben, brushing his hair from his face. Ben doesn't wake. The entire city has heard and were horrified, despite him being rogue, when they learned what had become of him. Luckily, everyone has found a way to have some heart, probably imagining their own child in the same situation.

“Fucking terrible,” Kalen says, smiling sadly.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him and Kalen holds a piece of paper out to me. I take it, noticing the city council emblem on it.

“I pulled a few strings and called in some favors; you get your day to be heard. Your petition will be heard,” Kalen says.

“Wait, how? I needed four signatures,” I say, confused.

Kalen smiles and I glance at the paperwork to see Kalen has signed as well as a man's name I don’t recognize. I look at him questioningly.

“I found a loophole. It said you need four Alpha signatures; nothing stating they can't be from previous Alphas,” Kalen says with a sly smile on his face. I glance down at the paperwork to see I have a date and time allotted to be heard by founding council members. One week to prepare. Tears burn my vision as I look back at him.

“Does Valen know?” I ask him and Kalen shakes his head. They are still barely talking unless it has something to do with Valaria—Valen is still upset with his father.

“Thank you,” I tell him, and Kalen nods before looking at Emily.

“Any news on how they are doing?” he asks, but I shake my head.

“No. The doctor is due to do his rounds soon, but I need to pick up, Valarian.”

“I will wait until the doctor gets here,” Kalen tells me, taking a seat in one of the uncomfortable blue chairs.

“Are you sure? The doctor will call me,” I tell him.

“Positive. Besides, I have nothing better to do,” Kalen tells me. He looks lonely, and I can see this feud with Valen is really starting to take a toll on him. He used to be so involved in his son’s life, so it must be hard now that Valen is shutting him out.

I walk over to him, lean down, and give him a hug, pecking his cheek. However, I’m not expecting him to grab a hold of me. He hugs me tight, and it feels good to be hugged by a father figure. Despite Kalen’s wrong-doings, Valen doesn't realize how lucky he is to have a father so supportive of him.

“Make Valarie proud. I know you will. Give 'em hell,” Kalen whispers to me. With a nod and another peck on the cheek, I quickly leave, heading to the hotel to pick up Ava on the way to the school. I’ve hardly seen her, and she wants to talk to me about something so she’s coming over for dinner tonight. I told her I would pick her up when I did the school run.

My thoughts are plagued lately, and I have trouble keeping my head straight. Now, I have to worry about the upcoming council meeting too. But for the first time all week, I have some hope. Pulling up, I message Ava and wait in the parking lot, staring up at my hotel. I feel like I’ve neglected it lately. With so much going on, I hardly spend any time here, and when I have a chance, I’m just exhausted. Although I know Zoe and Macey have everything handled or will call if something goes wrong.

Ava takes a few minutes before she appears, coming out of the restaurant doors with her bag slung over her shoulder. She’s wearing one of our waitress uniforms. She had wanted to help, and when we were short of staff, she asked Macey if she could. She seems to like it and has been pitching in wherever she’s needed.

Opening the car door, she throws her bag over onto the back seat before climbing in and buckling up.

“Any news?” she asks as I start the car and pull out, heading toward the school.

“No, still the same,” I tell her and she nods, chewing her nails. She looks nervous, and I glance at her when she remains silent for a bit.

“What is it?” I asked her.