Page 49 of Alpha's Redemption

“Every pack looked into why the werewolf council wouldn't sell the land. We were told it had an anonymous buyer and was for the preservation of the forsaken habitat. We thought they were being jerks, since they weren't part of the city,” John laughs.

“Wait! You stopped my skate rink idea,” her father growls, pointing an accusing finger at her.

“Yeah, and the subdivision I was planning out behind the reserve.”

“I said I was angry,” Everly says with a shrug.

“Angry? You plotted behind every pack and bought out their land!” I tell her.

“Smart,” my father says.

“Or stupid. What if the packs found out?” I ask her.

“They would have killed me. But at the time, I didn't care. I just wanted to hit back at the packs. They owned the city—I just made sure they couldn't extend it,” she says, folding her arms across her chest.

No wonder she refused to let me pay. After going over her books, in assets alone, she trumps everyone here. She owns more land than all of us—has more money and net worth than anyone in the room. It astounds me and, quite frankly, is a little intimidating. Every one of us was played by one little rogue who outsmarted us all. Dad was right; checkmate! She had us all by the balls and not one of us knew it!



Two weeks later

“Everly, wake up. You're late again,” Valen says, shaking me out of my deep sleep. A growl escapes and I tug my pillow over my head. He growls right back and yanks the heavy drapes open, flooding the room with light that sears my eyeballs from their sockets before yanking the blanket off me. “Everly, up!”

My eyes feel like sandpaper, and I’m so damn exhausted. No matter how early I go to bed, I always wake up feeling like crap. And it doesn’t help that he watches me like a damn hawk and won't allow me any coffee, making me question if it’s an addiction. I usually have two before I even do the school run. Now, no caffeine has resulted in me becoming a zombie.

“No. Leave me,” I whine.

“Valarian was ten minutes late yesterday and today. You were supposed to do the school runs the last two days, and on both days, he couldn't wake you and I had to come home! The tantrum I just dealt with was insane! Now up!”

“I'm tired,” I tell him, reaching blindly for the blanket that he tugged away.

“Up!” he says, slapping my backside and earning another growl.

“Why?” I whine.

“Because it is time to get up!” he snaps.

“Time foryouto get up. I don't have to be anywhere,” I growl. It’s my day off. I want to sleep!

Valen growls and storms out of the room, and I snuggle beneath my blanket. A moment later, I wrinkle my nose at the smell of coffee. Damn, do I miss the taste and the energy buzz, but the smell I can't stand sends me running for the bathroom. I growl as his scent wafts in from behind me and the pungent aroma of caffeine goodness grows more potent.

“I swear, if you made that just to make me get up to puke, I will provide the damn vasectomy myself,” I gasp, my throat burning. In general, once I throw up, I’m okay drinking it—it’s just the initial smell that always gets to me. It’s such an odd reaction to the one thing I love.

After flushing the toilet, I glare at him in the mirror as I watch him take a sip while I quickly rinse my mouth. He’s pushing my limits. I snarl as I stand up while he simply smiles tauntingly.

“Ahh. Be nice, and I may let you drink it,” he says.

“Hand the coffee over, Hun, or I feel this mining deal may not go through,”

I tell him. “I hear the owner is a real bitch without her morning coffee.”

His smile falls. Maybe him knowing now will play to my advantage. When I originally bought it, I knew if the packs knew, they would hunt me down and probably kill me. But with Valen and my Dad behind me, no one would dare touch me now.

“You can't blackmail me—and that wasmyland you bought,” Valen tells me.

“No claims, therefore, no-man's-land and now my land,” I tell him, putting my hands on my hips.