The adrenaline coursing through me from standing up to my father is short-lived as we drive out of my father's pack territory, Valen following close behind me. Just before we jump on the main road, he flashes his lights and his voice flits briefly through my head.
'Pull over,'he growls. He's angry.
I quickly pull over to the shoulder of the road and away from other traffic. Ava glances at me.
“Wait here,” I sigh, climbing out of the car at the same time Valen does. I ready myself for his anger as he stalks toward me. Just as I'm about to defend my actions, he grabs my face and kisses me, pushing me against my car.
“Don't ever do that again,” he mumbles against my lips. His fingers tangle in my hair as his tongue invades my mouth, kissing me angrily before he slows with a groan. My face heats, knowing my sister is in the car while he devours my lips.
“Valen!” I squeak against his lips, pushing on his chest. He growls, still trying to maul my lips, while I look around, embarrassed at his public display. With another growl, he grabs my hand and places it in the center of his chest. His heart is racing beneath my hand, thumping so hard I worry he may have a heart attack.
“You just scared the living daylights out of me. Give me a minute,” he growls, pressing his face into my neck and inhaling deeply. As if desperate for reassurance, Valen pushes even closer, his entire body flush against me, and I sigh, running my fingers through his thick hair. This man seems almost on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, and he’s supposed to be the blood Alpha?
“Don't ever make me do that again. Do you have any idea how hard it was to walk away and leave you there?” Valen says, his voice pleading.
“I didn't mean to scare you; I’m fine. Everything is fine,” I assure him. He sighs, nodding his head before cupping my face in his hands as he steps back.
“You challenged your father!” he says, and I’m not quite sure if he wants to kill me or laugh. I can’t help the stupid smirk that splits my face at his words, though. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head.
“You better win because if he hurts you, I will kill your father, and you can't blame me for it,” he tells me.
“No one is killing anyone,” I tell him, and he presses his lips in a line. I know Valen’s angry about learning my father knew all along about Valarian being his, but what's done is done. We can't go back and change it, so there’s no point in dwelling on it.
In the car, my phone rings loudly and Ava sticks her head out the passenger window.
“What about your sister?” Valen murmurs. “I don't trust her to stay with us. I know she’s your sister but…”
“I didn't ask, and I wasn't going to. She can stay at the hotel,” I tell him. He nods, looking over my shoulder, and so do I. Ava waves my phone to me.
“Hospital! About some girl named Emily.”
My eyes widen, and Valen lets me go. Racing over to take the phone from her, my hand shakes as I hold the phone to my ear. “Hello?”
“Luna Everly?” says a deep baritone voice on the other end of the line.
“Yes, you're speaking with her,” I reply.
“I am one of the doctors taking care of Emily. I was wondering if you are available to come to the hospital? You are her only listed contact, and we have no one listed as her family.”
“Yes, correct. She has a son, but we still haven't located him, and her only other relative, her mother, died a few years ago,” I say.
“I see. Is it possible for you to come to the hospital?” the doctor asks again.
“Yes, I was heading over anyway. Is everything okay?”
“I'm afraid not, Luna, but it is best explained when you get here,” he tells me. My heart sinks. Valen grips my shoulder, and I nod.
“I'll be there soon,” I tell the doctor before hanging up.
“Emily?” Valen asks, and I nod, dialing Zoe and Macey before merging their calls into a conference call. They both answer at the same time.
“What's up?” Macey asks.
“It's Emily.”