“The hard way it is, then,” I finish for him as I remove my shirt, dropping it to the side with my other things. I hear Marcus growl behind me, but I pay no attention to him. I know he has my back.
Stepping forward, I smile when they back up. They know the grave danger they are in if they try to stop me from getting to my mate.
What I never would have expected, however, is for Alpha Nixon's wife to step out of the black SUV behind them. My eyes zero in on her. Of course, Nixon had something to do with this, and looking at Beta Clarke, we now know who the other informant is.
“We have all the evidence we need to prove this was Alpha John’s and your doing, Alpha Valen. It would be best if you came with us,” Deacon says, while Nixon's Luna saunters over with a smug smile on her wrinkling, made-up face.
“And what evidence is that?” I ask, curious about what I will have to prove myself innocent of.
“For one, the facility being in yours and John's name,” Deacon answers.
“What facility?”
“The one hidden in the mining mountains. We have all the evidence needed to prove our case. Both your signature and John's are on it. Also, the amount of incriminating evidence of patient zero, of course—the patient used to create the poison and the vaccine; to use his own wife for his sick misdoings is purely vile. And you helped them all to drive my husband from the city. I won't let my husband take the fall for this,” she growls.
“And where did this supposed evidence come from? You? Nixon himself?” I ask her, knowing it did. The other council members look around at each other, while Deacon looks between the elders and me. “Now, I am going to give you one last chance, Deacon, to correct this mistake. If not, you will find out why they call me the Blood Alpha,” I tell him.
If they want a fight, they will get one, because no one is stopping me from getting to my mate.
“So, I suggest you choose wisely, because your shitty wolfsbane bullets won't stop me. And if I have to run through all of you to get to my mate, so be it,” I tell them, feeling the ripple of the shift as it hovers under the surface, ready to take over.
Deacon shuffles uncomfortably on the spot, looking at Clarke while the other council members glance at Deacon, making me wonder if Deacon is only doing this as a favor to his brother, whom we are now aware is a traitor.
“We found evidence at John's packhouse,” Deacon declares and I laugh because it evensoundsridiculous.
“Before or after the forsaken attack? Or during?” I ask Deacon, but he says nothing. I see Clarke step forward and John growls and snarls from where he’s pinned when we hear the sound of screeching tires across the intersection and a car comes to an abrupt halt. Glancing over, I see Slasher pack's Alpha climb out of the car.
Alpha Daxon and I are on good terms, however, he doesn't have the best relationship with my father, seeing as, reportedly, my father killed his son Preston. Preston himself hadn't had a stellar relationship with his own father, who had threatened to remove his title for misdoings and the negative attention he constantly got from the media. Alpha Daxon is a good Alpha, a little old school like my father, but good. It makes me wonder why he’s come here. Is he helping Nixon too?
“Fucking bastard, you found nothing! Your men turned the place upside down, and nothing. I know this is for Amber, Clarke, you prick!” John growls.
Clarke nods to the main officer pinning him before one of the other officers smashes his baton across the back of John’s head. I press my lips in a line, and one of the older council members glares at Clarke, who gave the order.
Turning my attention back to Deacon, I fight back a growl. “I don't remember you fighting on the front lines, Deacon. So, while patient 'zero', or Luna Claire, was dying protecting the city, were you planting evidence? Or was it your brother?” I ask him, wondering what Daxon is doing here, as I feel his aura getting closer.
“And where was Nixon?” I ask his Luna, turning my attention to her.
“Fleeing—that is where the scum was. Does it upset you that he left you behind with his psychotic son?” Alpha Daxon says, coming up behind me.
“Dax,” I acknowledge as he comes to stand by me.
“I lost over a hundred of my men in that forsaken attack, and not once did I see one of Nixon's men step out to protect our city. In fact, half of them were fucking forsaken, so how can you believe this bullshit? Now let John up,” Alpha Daxon growls.
“We have evidence that this was all thought out and Nixon was framed,” one of the older council members says, stepping forward with documents, and Alpha Daxon growls again.
“Go. I will handle this,” Alpha Daxon nods to me. “Give Everly my best,” he adds, making me wonder if that’s why he’s here. Because of her?
Yet when I start to move toward my car, a gun is lifted at me. I growl furiously, only to feel Deacon's daring hand grip my shoulder. My reaction is instantaneous as I reach back, gripping his shoulder and letting my claws hook into the thick band of muscle along his shoulder and neck before flipping him over my shoulder and onto the hood of my car.
The bang of his body as the air expels from his lungs on impact is audible as I remove my claws and grip his forearm, giving it a quick twist and popping his shoulder out. That’s when I feel the first dart hit between my shoulder blades. Reaching back, I yank it out—the toxin burns, but it will take a lot more than one to drop me.
Big mistake.
Daxon howls with laughter. “Oh, you foolish pup,” he chuckles at the young officer. I spin so quickly that the officer only has time to gasp—he had come up behind me. Instantly gripping the barrel of his dart gun, I slam it into his face and disarm him. He clutches his face and bleeding nose and I turn the gun on him, letting off three shots in his chest. He staggers back, and the rest of the officers lift their weapons, pointing them at us.