Page 99 of Alpha's Redemption

“Where are you going? To see Tatum?” I ask her. She chews her lip.

“Um, yeah, I was going to try to patch things up with him. Hopefully he’s in a better mood today,” she says, yet her jitteriness makes me nervous.

I can't explain why I feel that way, but she seems off; she has for the last two days. With everything going on, it’s understandable, but for her to suddenly hang around Kalen and my father has me rattled—two men, who for years she despised and are now acting like they’re all best buddies.

She walks off, returning with a tray of tea and toast. “Sorry. Valen,” she sighs.

It’s fine, I’ll wait for her to leave and hunt for my own coffee so she doesn't get in trouble. She leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek as I pluck a piece of toast off the tray.

“You know I love you, right? You and Zoe,” Macey says with a shake of her head. “I would do anything for you, without question or fear of consequence. You girls are my family—always have been, always will be. Taylor and I wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for you both.”

I smile sadly, feeling the same way about her. Yet, my brows furrow in confusion. It strikes me as odd; Macey isn't one to declare her love or show her emotions. She gives me a quick kiss before stopping by the door.

“I love you,” she says.

“I love you too. Are you sure everything is okay?” I ask her around my mouthful of jelly toast.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’ll see you later,” she says, then walks off. Taking another bite of my toast, I shake my head at her strange behavior. I’ll be sitting her down when she gets home to find out what is going on with her. Maybe I’ll call Tatum later and tell him to pull his head out of his ass, or get Valen to do it.

* * *

For the most part, my day is as boring as every other day I’ve spent in this place. By lunchtime I’m starving again and decide after dragging myself out of the shower that I’ll make something to eat. I’m craving cucumbers and peanut butter. My mouth waters.

I slip my robe on, deciding against clothes, knowing I’ll just be uncomfortable and itchy. Besides, no one’s home yet, though that has me confused. Kalen or Dad are usually back by now. Valen would be fuming if he knew I was home by myself, but I’m not going to call him and snitch on them; I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.

I don’t feel like being stared at or criticized for my weird food cravings, and that means I can sneak more coffee. Just as I wander out to the living room, however, the devil himself calls, his ringtone blaring loudly from the bedroom. I waddle my fat ass back to the room, puffing and panting, and barely make it to my phone before it rings out. Snatching it off the dresser, I put it to my ear.

“Hello?” I gasp out.

“Hey, just checking in,” Valen says while I sit on the edge of the bed and try to catch my breath. My lower back is killing me from the fast pace I made back to the room and my hips throb.

“Everly?” Valen asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just had a shower and had to race to the phone,” I tell him while tugging off the towel that’s wrapped around my hair. I toss it at the basket by the door but miss and internally groan, knowing I’m not going to be able to pick the damn thing up easily.

“I may be a little while longer. I’m just visiting Tatum.”

“Good, maybe you can find out what’s going on with Macey. She was odd this morning. Did she say anything to Tatum?”

I hear Valen ask Tatum about Macey before answering.

“He said he hasn’t seen her since their argument.”

My brows furrow.

“Why?” Valen asks.

“No, reason. I thought she was visiting him today, is all. How was the council meeting?”

“Dunno, they cancelled last minute, and—”

I pull the phone away from my ear, hearing someone knocking on the door.

“Hang on a second, someone’s knocking on the door,” I tell Valen.

“Let Dad get it. Also, I need to speak to him, so can you put him on?”

“He isn’t here, he left this morning, hasn’t been back,” I tell him, wandering down the hall.