“Just fuck off! For once in your Goddess damn life, Macey, stop trying to fix everything!” he snaps. I start to reply when he holds up a hand, cutting me off. “Don't! I am fucking sick of it! I am useless! And I don't want you feeling sorry for me.”
“I don't feel sorry for you. You'll be fine. Tracey said you did great today. It's only a matter of time, and soon you'll be walking around,” I tell him, trying to lift his mood. “Want the crutches instead?” I ask him, moving to retrieve them.
“Get out!” Tatum snarls at me, and I freeze, glancing at him over my shoulder.
“You just can't help yourself. Always gotta try to fix everything. My leg is fucked, Macey. It ain't getting any better, and I am sick of you telling me it will! So just get out! This isn't going to work,” he says, turning to look away.
“Tatum? You're just having a bad day, you'll see. I can help you shower, then how about we go outside?” I tell him, leaning down and offering him my hand. He slaps it away.
“I said leave! I don't want you here! Are you fucking deaf?” he snaps, yet his words piss me off and before I realize it, I’ve slapped him.
“You dare speak to me like this after everything? Where the fuck is your family? Huh? Who has been here every fucking day? You don't get to speak to me that way. You think you're the only one having a shitty day?” I snap at him while he rubs his cheek. I know he’s upset about his leg and needing help and relying on people, but that is no reason to take it out on me.
“I am fucking useless, don't you see that? I couldn't even help you today to get Zoe back. I had to hear about it through the damn mind-link!” Tatum yells.
“No one expected your help, Tatum. We had it handled. And I am not here to visit your damn fucking leg. I am here because for once, I need you,” I tell him.
“Well, I don't want you here. I am sick of you babying me, so just leave.”
I growl that he’s trying to kick me out and click my tongue. Fine, Tracey can deal with his stupid ass and I’ll see him tomorrow.
“I get you're upset, so I’ll just leave you and come see you tomorrow,” I tell him, heading toward the door before I end up beating him senselessly or breaking his other damn leg. I so do not need this drama right now. I just wanted to spend time with him, maybe get a hug, so I could pretend for a few moments everything is okay.
As I grip the door handle, Tatum speaks, making me stop.
“Macey?” he says, and I look at him just as he pulls himself up to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Don't come back tomorrow. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and I can see it isn't going to work. So please don't make this harder than it needs to be for once. Just do as I ask.”
I swallow, my throat suddenly clogged, and my eyes burn with the urge to break down. He’s seriously going to break up with me? Over a leg? Or is he using it as an excuse since I can't give him a kid? I start to ask, needing to know, when he shakes his head.
“Just go, Macey. We’re done,” he says, and my eyebrows raise.
I really am cursed. Suddenly, I find myself speechless. I don't know how to answer, so I just nod my head before walking out.
Yet another thing was just taken from me. I just needed to pretend, if only briefly, that I would find a solution where there was none. I needed to pretend someone other than a monster would want me. Clearly, I’m not even allowed that moment's grace.
I can't stop the tears when I climb back into the car. Everything is so fucked up! It feels stupid crying—pointless, and a waste of time—yet I can't seem to stop as I head toward the hotel. I can't go back to Everly and Zoe like this. They have enough stress at the moment, so instead, I go to work. I need the distraction.
When I pull up, I see the project manager out front talking to someone in a suit before realizing it’s Everly's lawyer. He must be here to drop off the new deeds to the place. Getting out of my car, I learn that is precisely what he’s here for.
He hands me the paperwork and goes over it with me on the hood of my car. When he’s done, he bids me farewell. I watch him walk back to his car when I call out to him.
“Uh, Joseph? I don't suppose I can ask for your help with something?”
He stops. “Of course. What is it you need?” he asks.
“Everything I tell you is confidential, right?” I ask him.
“Yes. If you are my client, it is. Why do you ask?”
“Because I need to do something, but I don't want Everly and Zoe finding out.”
His brows furrow. “May I ask what it is?”
“Last will and testament, and also some custody documents.”