Page 7 of Alpha's Redemption

“Nixon hasn’t handed the pack down yet. Dad tried to marry me off to him at first, but Carter and I don’t get along. The man is a pig.”

“So, Dad tried to get you to marry Valen?”

“Yes—told me he had to find the money to pay back the debt he owes Nixon.”

“And if he can’t?”

“Nixon gets our pack lands. The pack is bankrupt, Everly. It runs off Nixon’s finances,” Ava explains. Which would explain why Dad backed Nixon over the petition.

Yet, what does Nixon get out of rogues remaining rogue?



Having Ava over for dinner gave me much to think about. She didn’t say anything in front of Valen though, so I ended up waiting patiently for her to leave. Tatum eventually picks her up and runs her back to the hotel, and I realize I should ask Valen about Nixon’s son now that Valarian is in bed.

Valen comes walking out of the hall in just a pair of shorts and starts moving the furniture in the living room, pushing it against the windows. I place the last few dishes in the dishwasher and wash my hands before wandering over to him. He points to the couch where he set some yoga pants and my sports bra and I groan.

“Can't we have at least one night off?” I ask him. His only answer is moving the last piece of furniture out of the way. I roll my eyes. I’m exhausted and damn hot. The last thing I want to do is training in the living room and get even more hot and sweaty.

I try to sneak off to shower, yet Valen clearly isn’t having that.

“Don't even think about it,” Valen growls, and I take off running for the room. I shove the door open and have nearly escaped when his arms wrap around my waist, tugging me back.

“Nice try,” he says, turning me and marching me back toward the living room.

“We can have one night off, please. Besides, I want to talk to you, not fucking fight you,” I whine.

“We can do both—multitask,” he says, and I groan, turning to dead weight in his arms. Valen laughs and continues to drag me toward the living room; I grip the door jamb on the bathroom. I donotwant to train.

“Everly,” he laughs, prying my fingers off the door. “You wanted to challenge your father, therefore, you train or I kill him; which is it?”

“Nope, I’m too tired,” I tell him.

“So am I, but you're training.”

“Can I bribe you with sexual favors?”

“Hmm, I'm listening? What sort of sexual favors?” he asks, amber eyes narrowing.

“The sort where I can sleep and not have to do anything,” I tell him.

“Wait, you want to bribe me with sex, but I gotta do the work?” he chuckles.

“What about an IOU?” I ask.

“Nah, I’ll pass. I’ll be fucking you anyway. I was thinking you could suck my dick, but since you want to have vanilla sex, I would rather train,” Valen says.

“Not vanilla. I was more thinking old man style,” I tell him while he tries to get me to stand, but I go all floppy.

“Old man style?” he asks.

“Yeah, where we lay on our sides so I can nap,” I laugh.

“Not happening. Now get your ass up and help me drag the mats out,” he says, dropping me on my butt beside the TV.

“Run, and I will drag you back,” he says while walking off to his little gym at the back of the penthouse.