“Are you alright?” Macey asks, looking at him worriedly.
“Went down the wrong hole,” Dion gasps, sucking in a breath. I step away from him as he clears his throat. The man is a giant—not what I expected a jeweler to look like.
“How about I show you a few things, then?” he says awkwardly.
“When are you going to do it?” Zoe asks as we wait for Dion to polish it; he’s taking forever. Macey drums her fingers on the counter impatiently. How long does it take to polish a ring? I think to myself.
“I don't know. Kalen said he can take Valarian tonight. Maybe I can try to make us dinner and do it then?”
I saytrybecause the smell of food really makes me gag; he may be eating Chinese from a container. How romantic. Not. Although, I should probably buy Chinese after I drop Valarian off at Kalen's because the more I think about it, the less it seems possible I’ll be cooking.
“Yeah, do it tonight before you chicken out. You do that and I will tell Tatum about my broken baby maker,” Macey says, peering through the door out the back of the jewelers.
“Really? You're going to tell him?” I ask.
Macey sighs but nods her head. “Yes. If you have the guts to propose, I should woman up and tell him,” she says.
“So much going on today! So exciting!” Zoe gushes.
“Exciting? I am about to possibly ruin my relationship while she gets married!” Macey says, nodding toward me. Zoe rolls her eyes at Macey.
“So dramatic, but I’m here for it!” Zoe chuckles and Macey raises an eyebrow at her.
“Tatum won't leave you over something you can't control,” Zoe says, and I agree. He doesn't seem the sort to run just because he can't have kids. He loves Macey.
“We'll see, but I am about to jump this counter and polish the damn ring myself if Dion doesn’t hurry up,” Macey growls.
“Kalen is alright with taking him at short notice? I can take him for the night if you want me to?” Zoe offers.
“No, he seemed excited when I messaged him earlier,” I tell her.
“What did you tell him?” Macey asks.
“Told him I wanted to have dinner with Valen,” I shrug.
Dion finally returns, looking extremely sweaty and nervous.
“Are you ok?” I ask him.
“Yeah, just not feeling well, Luna,” he replies.
“Ah well, then that is our cue to leave before you give us whatever scourge you got. I don’t need my ass sealed to the toilet, and I’m pretty sure Everly is puking enough for all of us, so I’ll pass on the disease thanks!” Macey growls, stepping back from him like he has the plague. Dion chuckles, handing me the small jewelry bag and my receipt.
“Yeah, I agree. Sharing is caring, except when it comes to STDs and the flu,” Zoe says, stepping closer to Macey.
“Thanks,” I tell him as we all leave. We have to race to the school because the time we spent at Dion’s jewelers took way longer than we thought.
Macey purchased another cappuccino as we left the restaurant, sneaking it to me when I hopped in the car. After taking a sip, I sigh in relief before reaching into the tote bag in the back for the canister of decaf coffee. Macey takes the jar and empties the dreadful contents into a bin near my car before Zoe fills it with real coffee that she snuck from home.
“I did not give that to you, and if he finds out, I will totally deny it and blame Macey,” Zoe states with a soft laugh.
“Wait, why blame me?” Macey asks.
“You're scarier than Marcus—Valen won’t fight you. He would fight Marcus though,” Zoe says. Macey clicks her tongue and folds her arms.