Page 50 of Alpha's Redemption

“I still can't believe you did that. You nearly started a war between me and the Slasher pack Alpha.”

I reach for the mug, but he pulls his hand away.

“That land would make a nice protected reserve,” I muse, folding my arms across my chest. He glares at me before cocking his eyebrow at me and sipping the coffee without taking his eyes from mine.

I purse my lips. “Maybe I’ll sell the land directly behind your territory. Slater, I hear, is looking to extend. I amsurehe would offer a good amount for the spot right at the back. Do you know where I’m talking about? Where your packhouse is,” I told him.

“You wouldn't dare. Then you’d get yourself in trouble!” he says and smirks.

“It was kind of the intention when I bought it. You know, to cause trouble. And I hear it was quite the headache for the Blood Alpha,” I tell him, and he clicks his tongue.

“Fine, one coffee. One, Everly. And once that jar is gone, no more. It should last you a while,” he says.

“The whole jar?” I ask excitedly, and he nods.

“Deal?” he asks, holding out his hand.

“Two a day?” I retort.

“One!” he says.



“Three, and you have a deal,” I tell him, and he growls.

“Two, then,” he says, and I smile, shake his hand, and he gives me the cup. I take it excitedly and have a sip before it comes spraying out my mouth as I spit it back in the cup. Valen laughs.

“What the fuck, Valen! That isnotcoffee,” I snarl.

“We had a deal,” he laughs. “And you shook on it.”

“Yes, a deal forcoffee! Not whatever the heck that is!”

“Decaf!” he says, and I growl. “Well, I know never to let you go over a contract. Always verify what you're making a deal on, Luna,” Valen laughs. I pull a face at him and flip him the finger behind his back as he walks out. I get dressed, pouting about my coffee fix that is not coffee.

Valen tells me he’s going to see his father, who’s meeting him at the homeless shelter, so once dressed, I text Zoe and Macey to see what they’re doing, since the hotel is under renovations. We have so much spare time on our hands now, but it was like the moment we stopped working, all of us crashed and burned. Working seven days a week for months on end, you don't realize how tired you’ve become until you have one day off.

The girls agree to meet up with me for lunch, and before I know it, I’m driving over to the hotel to check it’s all still on schedule.

Everything seems to be happening so fast, but it’s a drama free day, which I like. Valen took care of most of the debts while I’m waiting for my accountant and some agents to sell off some of the land. I’m parceling off everything except the land behind Shadow Moon and Nightshade packs, and out of spite, I’m also keeping the land behind Crescent pack. It might come in handy later on when dealing with Nixon.

Valen seemed rather shocked about everything to do with my old scheme, as one would be, but, though I knew I had it, I never actually thought of doing anything with it. I only bought it out of spite, but it may just be what saves us from going under. Valarian's money is locked in a trust until he comes of age. I could get it out, but the hoops to jump through would be a pain in the ass. Plus, the thought of touching it sickens me.

Somehow, the morning seemed to slip by slowly. The girls and I meet for lunch in the city center, but it feels odd being served and not doing the serving. We all look and feel out of place. People stare and mutter, mainly at Macey because she still smells like a rogue.

The waitress places our food down in front of us along with a tea. I glance up at her.

“I think you gave me the wrong one.”

She smiles apologetically. “I'm sorry, Luna, but–”

“Valen!” I growl and she whisks away quickly. I know it must be Valen's doing, seeing as it’s one of his pack cafés we’re sitting at. Macey glances around before sliding her cappuccino in front of me with a wink.

“I saw nothing. And I think he is being ridiculous over the caffeine thing,” she declares.

“And cheese,” I tell them, glaring at my salad.