Page 24 of The Christmas Extra

“Don’t be stupid. Just call for Carson—”

“Carlton. He’s the security manager for the courthouse. Also, he runs the locksmithing shop out on the Bird Lighter Road.”

Tony’s look was comical, even though it was supposed to be scary. “What. Ever. Just call him and get the damn code.”

“I would if I had my phone.”

“Oh seriously, this is the problem with country bumpkins. They never have their phones with them when they’re needed most. City people like me always have our—” He began patting himself down. I waited, fighting back a smirk. “Fuck! Where is my fucking phone?! No, do not say a damn word, you irritating asshole. Use your shoulder mic and call Cartright—”


“What the fuck ever.” I swiped my hands up and then down to show him I was out of uniform and, therefore, did not have my shoulder mic with me. “What the hell? You live in the damn uniform and now you decide to not have it on? That’s so inconsiderate of you!”

That one got me. I couldn’t hold the laughter back anymore. A rolling belly laugh escaped me. Tony’s face shifted from irate to confused to something lighter. Then, he too began to chuckle.

“Holy shit, we are a couple of total assholes,” he said as another round of sniggers overtook him. “So, how long are we stuck in here?”

“Cleaning crew arrives at ten p.m. so about...” I checked my watch, “about three hours.”

“Well, that’s just awesome.” He blew out a long breath before turning from me to pat a plastic sheep on its dusty head. “What the hell are we supposed to do for three hours?”

There was no hiding the invitation in his question. The sexy bastard.

I was behind him before my head could register what my feet had done. My arms snaked around his middle, cinching him back into my chest. He came easily, with no resistance, and I was done. To be honest, I was done weeks ago. The moment I saw him in the airport was my downfall. I’d been scrambling like a madman to keep adding stone to the walls that he was ripping down. Maybe it was time to stop trying to keep him out and let him in. Was I brave enough to do so a second time, though?

I buried my face into his neck, inhaling the warm manly smell of his cologne and skin, and my cock kicked. He drew in a sharp breath as I nestled my prick against his ass cheek.

“I want to bury myself so deep inside you that neither of us knows where the other ends,” I growled into his flesh, taking a taste with a swipe up and over his perfectly groomed stubble. His entire body shuddered. He pressed his ass back into my cock, grabbed my forearms, and melted back into me, his head twisting to the side.

“Kiss me hard. Then tell me how you truly feel. I must hear it, Stillman, and not thrown at me in anger but confessed to me on the soft exhalation of an ardent lover.”

I covered his mouth with mine, plunging my tongue into his hot mouth. He moaned into the sloppy kiss, his tongue slipping over mine as his fingernails dug into my forearms. Even through the long-sleeved RPD tee I’d yanked on after my shift was done, I could feel the burn. No lie, it turned me on. Everything this man did made me crazy with want. And yes, I did still love him. But was it wise to confess to that again? Why did it matter so much to Tony if I cared? He sucked my lower lip between his teeth, sending all my rational thoughts out the skinny window that Ellery would have trouble wiggling through.

Not that I planned on escaping any time soon...

Chapter Eight