Page 16 of The Christmas Extra

He had me there. “I always dreamed about taking Mom far away from her nightmares. She spoke of going to Greece all the time. I don’t know.” I shrugged, wishing he would stop staring at me with so much sympathy. “Someday I’d like to retire to a small Greek isle and run a hotel like Donna does in the movie. I’d call it Gayle’s Getaway. She would have liked that.”

“Yes, she would have,” he gently replied, slipping his hand over the script to touch my forearm. When I didn’t fling his touch away, he took my hand, timidly to be sure, and then meshed his fingers with mine. Sparks skipped up my arm to settle in my chest for the remainder of the movie. We never did get to studying our lines. Tony and I were both having trouble keeping our eyes open by the time we reached the movie scene. Still, we pushed through to the end. How could we not? Then, with a soft squeeze, he released my fingers to stand.

I looked up at him, Ellery mewling from the kitchen looking for a goodnight treat. “Are we calling it a night?” I asked, loathe to do so. I did have the second movie. If he would sit back down and hold my hand, I’d watch it with him. Over and over until dawn broke.

“I think so.” He stretched his arms over his head, his sweater hiking up to expose a strip of skin with a thin line of dark hair sneaking into the top of his pants.

“But our lines...”

“We’ll nail them over breakfast. I’m making waffles.” He picked up his glasses off the coffee table and then folded them neatly. A log cracked in the stove.

“But I don’t have a waffle iron.”

“You do now. Thank you for sharing your movie with me.”

He reached out to touch my face, then, for some reason, drew back his hand and went to his room. I sat there for the longest time, my fingers now chilled, wishing like hell that he had caressed my cheek, and then cussed myself out for wishing that at all.

Chapter Six

“...always wanted to finda man like you to dance with.”

I glanced up from the script as I forked a bite of fluffy waffle, then sped it to my mouth, rich butter and maple syrup dribbling from my fork. After I had the bite in my mouth, I stared at Tony, his reading glasses on, his face freshly shaved. It was a treat to have him here when I woke up, I had to admit. That worried me a lot. Somehow, my anger was fleeing, and I really needed it to stay so I could cling to it. “This is really kind of sappy,” I added after swallowing.

“Mm, a little yes. But it’s a made-for-TV holiday movie. It’s not supposed to beSophie’s Choiceor anything.”

“Obviously. And these Christmas romance movies are popular?”

“Extremely,” he answered and cut into his own golden waffle. “They pay well also. Which is why I was happy to sign up. I didn’t know they were going to cast Sasha as my romantic partner, but as Mignon said when we found out, ‘just bring some bitch spray and you’ll be fine,’ so I didn’t balk as much as I wanted to. Besides, this will be airing on the same network that carriesWillow Dale, so the head honchos are happy about that.”

“I guess. Still, I’m having real trouble with her name being Candy and yours being Nick.”

He snickered softly before lifting his fork to his mouth. A droplet of syrup lingered on his lower lip for a moment before he licked it up. My dick was quite into his tongue peeking out. Why it was so into some things I had no clue, especially since I’d just jerked off in the shower before coming out for breakfast. No, I was not doing the gym this morning. I was taking Tony to the wedding barn and then getting ready to do my big scene. Probably I should have worked off the stress and horniness riding me like a jockey today, but...waffles. Waffles and Tony’s glowing smile. I was a weak, weak man.

“At least her last name isn’t cane.”

I nodded. There was that small blessing.