Page 13 of The Christmas Extra

My angel had my back big time. Take that, Satan.

“I have a job to do. Criminals to lock up. Streets to keep safe. I don’t have time to haul your tight ass all over the place looking for fancy beers and imported bags of rice.”

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous,” he had the balls to say to my face.

Shooting to my feet, I knocked back the rest of my beer and swiped one of the cupcakes from the box.

“I’m not jealous, Anthony. I got over you years ago.”

With that pronouncement, I stormed to my room with a pilfered cupcake to enjoy. No TV again tonight, it seemed, but that was fine. I had a book. A good one by John Grisham.

Jealous. What utter horseshit. I’d have to have feelings for him to be jealous.

Right now, the only thing I loved was this cupcake.

Buttercream over ex-boyfriend’s FTW.

Chapter Five

Twenty longest daysever.

Honestly, if I’d have known Tony being in my space would be this unsettling, I would have gone to the wedding barn and slept in the hay mound. To be honest, I kind of knew having him around would be irritating. I mean...heismy ex. Not saying that all exes are annoying, but most seem to rub the wrong way. The burrs under my saddle were more than simple old lover annoyances, though, and that was what had me tangled up. Even now, standing in the center of the Love Bird Barn on the outskirts of town supervising the setup of a holiday dance shoot in a few days, I was edgy. Tony was here, and so was his ex-wife, Sasha Faye.

Their tension plus my tension plus the usual tension associated with a movie set—something that I was becoming familiar with just by being exposed to the chaos on the daily—had the entire cast and crew wound tighter than banjo strings.

Oh, and my big silver screen moment was tomorrow. Talk about anxiety-inducing. I had all of three lines:

License, insurance, and registration, please.

You were going a little fast for the conditions.

I’m letting you off with a warning this time, but slow down and save a life.

Do you think I could recall them when I tried to rehearse in front of my bedroom mirror? No damn way. Three lines. This was why I was a cop and not a thespian.

So yeah, the air in this renovated barn was thick with stress. I’d clung to the outer periphery as much as possible at the request of most of the crew. Seemed I took up a lot of room and made people jittery when I stared at them.