Page 69 of A Thirst for Franc

She tapped her pen against her planner. “Don’t worry, I found nothing.”

“Good,” I spat. She had no right digging into Quinn. If she wanted to know something, she should have asked me. I didn’t need a fucking background check to know who Quinn was.

Char’s hands fell to her sides with a huff. “Not good. It’s as if Quinn St. Clair doesn’t exist.”

“Char, I love you, but fuck off.” Frustration toed the line of anger, and I inhaled to keep myself from jumping over the line.

“Even when you try to be mean, you can’t.”

“I am not in the mood for this shit. I woke up to Gio puking all over the place. The garage just told me Quinn’s car is totaled.”

Chardonnay’s head whipped up from her planner. “Is Gio okay?”

“He’s fine. Just a stomach bug. Quinn was making him homemade chicken soup and watching movies with him.”

The take no shit from anyone attitude shifted, even her features relaxed. “Poor kid. Stomach bugs aren’t fun.”

“No, they’re not. Are we done here?”

“Look, Franc.” Chardonnay’s voice softened. It was not something that happened often. “I’m worried about you. After Rebecca, you were a mess. I don’t want to see that happen to you again.”

My jaw ticked, and I thrust my hand into my hair, gripping the strands. I wasn’t my mistake. I wish my family could see that.

“It won’t.”

“You’re right. It won’t.”

Chardonnay turned on her heels and click-clacked out the door. I glanced at my phone and dialed. Regret twisted in my stomach, but I felt like I had no choice. Between Mom and Chardonnay giving me shit about the background check, they were making me question if I didn’t do right by Gio.

“Hey, Franc,” Rose’s cheery voice said. “What’s going on?”

“I need you to do me a favor.”

Gio and I cuddled in his bed with Sally, watching The Incredibles for the second time. A knock on the door had me sliding out from behind him.

“Stay here. I’m going to see who that is.”

Gio nodded, and that’s how I could tell he still didn’t feel good. Normally, he wouldn’t wait. He would have been hightailing it down the stairs at the first sound someone was here.

I opened the front door to a woman I didn’t recognize. Her caramel highlights shone in the sun, filling the porch. She was about my height, but slenderer with subtle curves, and her outfit made me feel like a pauper.

“Hi there. I’m Chardonnay.”

“Franc’s sister.”

“Exactly. I heard Gio was sick. I wanted to stop by and give him a new game.”

“Of course. Come in. I’m Quinn.”

“The nanny,” Chardonnay said with no room to argue.

“Yes. It’s nice to meet you. Gio always says such wonderful things about you.” It was the only reason I didn’t take offense to her nanny quip.

“Does he?” A slight smile cracked on her rather demure features. “That’s sweet. Where is he?”

“He’s upstairs in his room.”

“Great.” Chardonnay kicked off her heels and headed upstairs. I went in the kitchen to check on the soup. The smell of fresh herbs and spices engulfed me when I lifted the lid and gave it a stir. It was ready. I turned the burner off and placed the spoon on a napkin.