Franc met my gaze, and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Heat filled my cheeks at the sudden expected spark that flared between us.
Gio yanked on his arm, and this time Franc stumbled. “Sorry, bud. And no alpacas for us, but we can come back here any time you want.”
Gio fist pumped and did a ninja kick to the air.
“Hi, Franc,” Cindy said with a genuine smile plastered on her face.
“Cindy, pleasure as always.”
Cindy bent and glanced behind her.
“Everything okay?” Franc asked.
“Oh yeah. I’m just making sure my pig didn’t sprout wings and take off.”
“Funny,” he said. “I told you I would get here one day.”
“Why do I have a feeling if Quinn didn’t put us on Gio’s agenda for the day, I’d still be waiting?”
“I guess you’ll never know.”
Cindy swatted at him and laughed. “You’re a ball buster, just like your grandfather.”
A flash of something crossed Franc’s face. Sadness, appreciation maybe, I wasn’t quite sure. But it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know Franc appreciated Cindy’s words.
“Franc!” Addy’s voice echoed across the open space.
My gaze immediately shot to the gorgeous woman. Admiration and surprise filled her gaze. Were they… together? No, impossible. If they were, surely Franc would have made a trip to the farm by now. Or maybe they were just sleeping together, something casual that didn’t involve farm visits. My mind spun into overdrive before I kicked the brakes on.
This was ridiculous. Even if they were sleeping together, it was absolutely none of my damn business.
“Addy,” Franc said with that charming smile I couldn’t imagine any woman could resist. “How are you?”
“Good. Great. And you?”
“Happy to have made it here with my son.” He rested his hands on Gio’s shoulders, and Gio glanced at him, a smile spreading across his face before he shimmied out of Franc’s hold.
“Dad! You’re ignoring Admiral Fluff.”
“Oh, I apologize, Mr. Fluff.” Franc held his hand out to the alpaca before giving him a loving stroke. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Gio went around introducing Franc to all the alpacas, and I watched as Addy stole glances at Franc. Maybe it was a crush. They’d make a cute couple. They were both gorgeous, smart, and friendly, so why did the thought tighten my gut?
“I can’t believe you came,” I said when Gio, Cindy, and Addy brought the alpacas to the pasture.
“I felt guilty from the minute I walked out the door this morning.”
“I’m sorry. That’s my fault. I shouldn’t have invited you.”
“No.” He glanced at me, those smoky blue eyes taking me hostage. “Thank you. If you didn’t, I never would have come, and I would have missed seeing that smile on Gio’s face.”
“He’s so happy you’re here. You could hear it in his voice when he saw you.”
Franc nodded. “It makes me wonder if I’m missing too much of his life because of work.”
“That’s ridiculous,” I said. “Gio is lucky to have a father like you.”
“But I’m always busy.”