Page 15 of A Thirst for Franc

“Which is why you should be grateful I’m willing to teach your dumbass.”

“Fuck off, or I’ll never give you a compliment again.”

I took my phone out and glanced at the screen. Rhone’s hand smacked against mine and swiped the phone from me.

“Hey, asshole, give it back.”

“No. There is no reason to check it every three seconds. Besides, the volume is on. If someone calls, you’ll hear it.”

“It’s just—”

“It’s just nothing. This Quinn was a science teacher with her own classroom. I think she is more than capable of handling Gio.”

“What if he has her tied up and he’s wreaking havoc?”

Rhone rolled his eyes. “You need to give people more credit.”

“I give them more than enough.”

“Bullshit! I’ve been working with you most of my life. I know all the ins and outs of the business and the winemaking process, yet you hover over my shoulder like a damn helicopter.”

It’s not like Rhone was lying. I had control issues. I’d be the first to admit it. It had nothing to do with his abilities, though. Rhone was on his way to being one of the best as well, but this place, the wine that we made? It was who I was. It was who my grandfather was. It made me protective of the product. At the end of the day, I didn’t want to disappoint Grandpa by putting out a bad batch.

He used to say the wine is in charge, and we have to sit back and be patient. It will let us know when it is ready. Rhone was the type of person who was always on the go. He could never sit still as a kid. Hell, even as an adult. It’s why he and Gio got along so well. Rhone was a kid in a thirty-three-year-old's body. And while I knew he knew the business and the process in and out, I worried he’d rush something in his eagerness.

Maybe he was right. Maybe it was time I eased up on him.

“Tell you what… I won’t hover. You finish here without me.”

“Normally, I’d be shocked and maybe even honored, but I know you want to get home and make sure your house isn’t on fire.” He gave me a knowing smirk. “But I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Get out of here.”

Half of me was ready to bolt to my car and get home, the other half—the half that considered these barrels and these walls my home—didn’t want to move. But Rhone was right. The anxiety was eating away at me. I needed to get home and make sure my house was still standing.

“Call me if you need anything,” I said.

“I will, which means don’t call me. I swear to all that is holy if you call me every ten minutes to check in, I will drop my phone in one of these barrels and not tell you which one.”

“You wouldn’t ruin the wine.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

He was testing me. “No.”

“Exactly. Now get the fuck out of here. You’re making me anxious.” Rhone shook his shoulders as if he was repelling my energy.

I gave him a gut shot that caused him to bend over and grunt. With a laugh, I headed for the door. “Call me if you need me,” I said again as I pushed the door open. He muttered something, but it was masked by the groaning. It was a cheap shot, but it’s what we did. He was probably planning his revenge at that very moment.

I hopped into my SUV and headed home. It was only four, but I’d still pay Quinn until five. It wasn’t her fault that somewhere along the line I turned into a neurotic father.

My house was only ten minutes away from the winery, and when I turned the corner, I braced myself. I didn’t know if I expected flames to be shooting out my windows, but the house was as serene as it always was.

It was why I chose this place to have the house built. The surrounding area was peaceful and far enough from the neighbors that if Gio wanted to go run around screaming, it wouldn’t bother anyone. I parked next to Quinn’s four-door sedan and hurried to the house.

This was ridiculous. Clearly, Quinn had everything under control. Maybe I should finish out the day like I normally would have. But I was already home, and I wanted to give Rhone a little more responsibility. He wasn’t always the most reliable, but when he made it to work on time, he was focused and a quick learner. He was going to be a major asset to the family business in the future.

I pushed the door open and caught myself before I tripped over Quinn, who was on all fours. Her round ass poked up toward the sky, and her chest pressed into the hardwood. I swallowed down the vision that popped into my head at the sight and focused on the current moment.

“What are you doing?” I asked.