Page 77 of A Toast for Laurent

“He won’t say.”

“Tight jaw, red crawling up his neck, veins bulging, fists clenching like he wants to punch me. This has a certain blonde written all over it.”

I pushed from my desk and flung my finger toward the door. “Get the fuck out.”

“Nailed it!” Nero announced. He high-fived Chardonnay and sauntered out exactly as he sauntered in—way too damn relaxed.

“You sure you don’t want to talk about it? I can promise you when it comes to females, I give way better advice than Franc, and don’t even think about going to Brady.”

“I’m not going to anyone for advice. This is between me and Phoebe.”

“Oh, so it is Phoebe then.”

I closed my eyes, trying to find some ounce of sanity before I snapped at the one sibling who rarely got on my nerves.

“Char, please.”

“Uh oh, what’d you do?” Sherry’s voice put an end to my search.

My eyes popped open to find my two sisters looking at me.

“Girl trouble,” Chardonnay said.

“That explains the bulging neck veins.”

“Out!” I made my way around the desk, grabbing hold of the door. I motioned for them to move. This door was shutting, and they would be on the other side.

“We’re here if you need us,” Sherry said as I closed the door. “We’re better at this than any of our brothers. And don’t even think of asking Brady.”

“That’s what I said.” Chardonnay’s voice muffled through the door.

My phone vibrated against my desk, and I swiped it up. Marion’s number flashed on my screen.

“What the fuck does she want?” I muttered and ignored the call, only for her to call right back. With a groan, I answered.

Today had turned into a total shit show. First Marion wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone, going as far as to call the resort and leaving a million messages with poor Lewis. Then the meeting I just left was rough. It’s never easy when I have to fire someone. However, when given allocated funds to run a sector of the company and those funds are not being utilized, repairs are being ignored—putting the safety of the guests and employees at jeopardy—programs that should have been being fostered were never even implemented, there’s a problem.

If she had used the allocated funds properly, this resort would not have been posting in the red every quarter. Instead, she spent her days at the resort’s spa, getting massages and facials while she answered emails and pretended like she was working.

Now, until I could fill that position, I had to shift everyone’s workload around, including my own. Lewis had little experience in any of this, but he was a fast learner, and I wondered if I could train him to one day move up into the position.

Right now, my brain was a frustrated mess, which was fine at the moment, because every time I tried to calm it down, this morning popped into my mind.

I couldn’t think about it. Not yet. The wounds—that I brought on myself—were too raw. I needed time to process. What I needed was a run. Funny how I was able to work through my issues when I put foot to pavement, yet running was the reason I was here in the first place. I’m sure there was irony in there somewhere.

I finished my coffee and headed for my room. I had two hours to kill before my next meeting and hadn’t taken a break in over a week.

The door clicked open, and Parker sat up on the couch. A box of cereal left open on the coffee table with an empty bowl beside it. It was the afternoon, for Christ’s sakes.

“Hey!” she said, biting her lip. “I told Mom last night.” Parker was still sleeping when I got back this morning, and this was the first time I’d seen her all day.

“I know. She’s left me a million messages.”

“She was mad. Like really mad.”

“I gathered as much.”

“Lewis said she called the front desk looking for you like a ton of times.”