Page 48 of A Toast for Laurent

Our bodies and mouth moved as one, as if we were two equal parts coming together. The years between us slipped into the ether, and all that remained was the love I had for the boy and the man.

He grabbed my hips, leaned back, and yanked my thighs over his. The angle allowed him to go deep. So deep. Laurent’s hand splayed across my stomach, moving to my breasts.

He filled me completely, and the waves I’d been cresting slammed into me, drowning me in unbridled sensation. His name echoed through the room, and his grip moved to my waist, holding me tight. He got on his knees, pounding into my sensitive flesh. Pleasure exploded in every part of me. It was too much. It was not enough. My body shook, absorbing every delicious spark and wave that raced through me.

Laurent’s hand rested against my back, urging me into his arms as he slammed into me one final time. Our mouths met as we both shattered, uttering each other’s names. With one final kiss that would have dropped me to my knees if I wasn’t in Laurent’s arms, he held me to him before lowering us to the sheets.

He gathered me in his arms, pulling me close. I ran my hand along his stomach, dragging my finger along the hair that led to his still erect cock.

“A few years ago, could you ever imagine we’d be here?” I asked mainly to break up the silence, but also because I was curious about what he thought.

“I couldn’t have imagined this a month ago, no less a few years ago. I honestly never thought I’d see you again.” His hold tightened as he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

“And you were okay with that?” I know I had been the one to leave, but I always wondered why he didn’t come after me. Selfish, I knew, but it was something I’d thought about maybe a little too often.

“I had to be.”

“And now?”

He laughed, and it was a nice reprieve from where I thought this conversation was going. “I’m almost glad my grandpa isn’t around to know.”

I tilted my head. “Why is that?”

“He always told me you were the one that got away. Well, actually the one I let get away. He constantly told me to look you up.”

“Why didn’t you?” I asked, my voice practically cracking at the desperation to put it out there and get an answer I’d been wondering for so long.

“I already told you. You left me. I figured if you wanted me in your life, you’d come back.” His blue eyes locked on mine. “I guess I was right, even if it did take you forever.”

I traced the hair between his pecs, following the path toward the clean expanse of his shoulders. “Do you miss him? Your grandfather?”

“Every day, but he lives on in the vineyard, and every time I’m there, I feel him with me. One day I’ll be able to tell my kids about him and let his memory live on.”


My hand froze in its retreat, my nerves twisting into an uncomfortable knot. I shifted, reaching for the light. “We should get some sleep. We have a long drive back tomorrow.” I switched the light off and slipped beneath the covers. Laurent rolled toward me, drawing my body against his, and raining kisses along my shoulder and neck.

I closed my eyes, savoring his heat, his scent, his protective and loving touch. He tucked my hair behind my ear, kissed my temple, and a tear slipped down my cheek, soaking into the pillow beneath me.

I rolled over, searching for Phoebe to pull her body against mine, hold her close and have one more round before we had to get on the road, but my arms came up empty. My eyes popped open, and I scanned my hand down the cold mattress.

I sat up, scratching my head and trying to get my eyes to focus after a long night. The room became clear, but it might as well have stayed blurry. There was nothing here for me. Phoebe was gone.

I hurried to the bathroom and ripped the shower curtain back. All that stared at me was my single bottle of shampoo. All of Phoebe’s toiletries were gone.

My throat landed in my stomach, and every word we uttered last night took off in my mind, determined to figure out what the hell I had said. It had to have been something. Or maybe it was nothing at all. This was Phoebe, after all. Running was kind of her thing. I wished she would stop running from me. I swore on all that was holy, if she pulled another disappearing act, I was done.

I sent her a text, hoping I got it wrong. Maybe she went downstairs for coffee, and I was being a paranoid ass. My pants were draped over the chair, so I grabbed them and shoved into each leg, yanking them into place. Gathering my stuff, I tossed it into my suitcase and zipped it shut.

If Phoebe was gone, I didn’t want to stick around any longer than I had to. I told her I wouldn’t let her go, and I fucking meant it. How the hell did she slip out so easily? She could have woken me. Left a fucking note.

I brushed my teeth, threw water on my face, and with one glance at the bed, hurried toward the elevator, hoping like hell Phoebe wasn’t long gone.

The lobby was large, but nothing could ever be large enough for me not to spot Phoebe. I found her instantly, sitting at a table with a coffee in her hand and staring longingly into space.

“Phoebe!” My voice cut through the air with a fierce snap.

Her body jolted at my tone, and she nearly dropped her cup. She straightened, her eyes not holding a hint of… well, anything at all.