“Cover them every night and have Rhone beat them out in the mornings.”
“Good idea. I’ll put it on his calendar.”
I doubted Rhone even looked at his calendar.
“I’ll have Rose post to social media about the patio being open. Did you want to run any specials?”
I wanted to ask why this couldn’t wait until I was at the vineyard, but once Chardonnay got going, everyone had to keep up. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sat on the stool Phoebe was on only last night.
“We can run a special on tastings. Do a tasting and keep the glass.” People loved that shit, and I had a surplus after the distributor added an extra zero to my last order. Since they couldn’t sell Vine Valley Vineyard glasses to anyone else, I told them I’d pay for them at a heavy discount, which they willingly gave. They were happy to oblige as long as I used them again, which I planned to do. They made a quality product.
“Perfect. That will help bring in the tourists. Did you want to ask Phoebe if she’s willing to promote it at the resort?”
“No.” The word came out at rapid fire.
“Okay…” Chardonnay dragged the word. “Sounds like you’re a little touchy where she’s concerned.”
“I’m not touchy.”
“Could have fooled me. Moving on. Sherry has live music booked for Saturday. Do we want to move the music outside?”
“I don’t even know why I asked. I know how much you hate having music playing while you’re trying to work. Though you haven’t been putting that much overtime in the last couple of weeks.”
“Is that a problem?” I asked.
“No, just making an observation. The time away is good for you.”
“You should take your own advice.”
“Why? My schedule works fine for me, and I’m home no later than seven every night. In time for Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.”
“Are you sure you’re not a ninety-year-old woman in a thirty-eight-year-old woman’s body?”
“Are you sure you didn’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Trouble with the fiancée?”
“I’m not having this conversation.”
“Good, because I really don’t want to have it, but if you need to talk about it, I’m willing to listen.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine.”
“Great. Now that’s settled, that’s everything on my list for now. Do you have anything you need to add?”
“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.” Chardonnay hung up, and I tossed my phone on the counter. It was too early to drink, but with how my day had started, I wasn’t counting out wine for lunch. I got off the stool and dragged my ass to the shower.
After I got home from Laurent’s, I went for a run. I was feeling a little rusty, but it could have been the wine, the sex, or the sneaking out at the ass crack of dawn so I could avoid any and all conversation.
I smiled at a few Hookers who were in the lobby crocheting away, then took the elevator up to my room, hoping Parker would still be sleeping. I was a coward who didn’t want to face the consequences of my own actions. I never should have left last night. There were still things that needed to be said, but mostly, I needed to apologize.
Inside, Parker sat on the couch, legs crossed, eating cereal out of a box and scrolling through her phone.
“Morning,” I said as I closed the door behind me.
Her hand stopped just shy of the box, and she slowly turned toward me. “Morning,” she lilted, but the word was apprehensive, causing guilt to stir in my gut. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable around me.