Page 39 of A Toast for Laurent

“That woman is impossible.”

“I thought she was rather behaved.”

“Behaved? She insulted you to your face.”

“At least she didn’t ask me what size my dress was.”

Laurent stopped walking and grabbed my arm, bringing me to a halt. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“Sadly no. It’s usually her favorite topic.”

“I’m telling you right now, I’ll do my best to control myself, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

I patted his chest. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”

His lip quirked, and he shook his head. “And you’re always cute.”

“I know.” I winked and spun around, making my way toward Dad. “Hi, Dad!”

“Angel.” Dad quickly popped the shrimp he had in his hand in his mouth and dabbed his lips with a napkin before opening his arms. His tie was crooked, and the lines that had always cut across his forehead were deeper.

I stepped into his embrace, feeling a mix of happiness and resentment. It was a weird combination.

“Dad, you remember Laurent.”

Dad stepped forward and offered his hand to Laurent, who accepted it immediately. “Of course, son. You’ve filled out quite a bit since the last time I saw you.” Dad slapped Laurent on the shoulder, and his eyebrow arched. “Someone discovered the gym.” Dad stepped back. “When Marion told me you were bringing a guest, I couldn’t believe it. I even thought maybe you’d paid someone like in those Hallmark movies you’re always watching at Christmas time.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed, though he wasn’t too far off. Just because money wasn’t exchanged didn’t mean a transaction of sorts didn’t take place. I did cash in on words spoken almost twenty years ago.

“She didn’t pay me, sir,” Laurent said.

“Good to hear.”

“Phoebe,” Marion’s voice echoed across the dance floor, and I tried not to cringe. “Look who I found.”

Marion tugged Parker behind her, and to Parker’s credit, she didn’t stumble once despite the five-inch white heels she donned.

They came to a stop in front of us, and Parker gave an awkward wave.

“Hi Parker. It’s good to see you. Congratulations. This is some party,” I said.

“Mom planned it all. I just had to show up.” Parker smiled, but it was tight almost forced.

“Laurent, this is Parker.”

“Her sister,” Marion chimed in before I could finish.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Parker. I have heard many wonderful things about you.”

“Really?” She shifted from one foot to the other, a bloom of crimson spreading up her neck. “That’s nice to hear. Dad said you two knew each other in college?”

“We did,” I said.

“So how did you two crazy kids meet up again after all these years?” Dad asked.

My eyes darted to Laurent, realization settling in. We never did flesh out what we were going to tell everyone.

“Phoebe walked into my vineyard one day, and I recognized her instantly. She was somehow more beautiful than ever, and I couldn’t look away if I tried. I knew then that I couldn’t let her walk out of my life again.”