Page 7 of Blue-Eyed Hero

Reid put his hands on the chair, ready to push himself up. There was no way he’d get the funding now.

“However,” the mayor said, and he focused his attention on her. “There was a reason I personally suggested your bid for sheriff, so this is what I’ll do.” She scanned over the paper in her hand, most likely the email he had sent with the amount he requested and how those funds would be allocated. “I’ll increase the budget on one condition.”

“I’m listening.”

“I need you to make a statement, assuring the good people of our town their safety is your number one priority and they have nothing to worry about as tourist season comes upon us.”

“I’ll release a statement as soon as I get back to my office.”

“I need you on TV to deliver the message. You are the face of safety in our community, and the people need to see you.”

“Everyone in this community knows who I am.”

“For those that don’t. This is nonnegotiable. Make the statement on air or you don’t get the money.”

“No disrespect ma’am, but that money is necessary in order to promise the citizens I’ll do what I need to do.”


“But how can you—?”

“It’s politics.”

“I fucking hate politics,” Reid mumbled under his breath.

The mayor’s eyebrow arched upward. “I’m sorry. What was that?”

“Nothing. I’ll make the statement.”

“Thank you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the governor, and I don’t want to be late.” Mayor Sands stood and held her hand out to Reid. Forcing a smile, he shook the woman’s hand. “I expect that statement on tomorrow’s news.”

Reid held in his sigh as he walked away from the mayor and out to his cruiser. Now he needed to find Allison so she could help him fix this disaster. And somehow, he needed to go on TV while also hiding his identity.

Great.How the hell was he supposed to do that?

Chapter 4

Yoga wasn’t exactly Allison’s exercise of choice, but her sister, Luna, always managed to convince her to take a class at least once a week. Her ass appreciated it; the rest of her not so much. It was hard for her to be quiet for an hour, especially when her sister was right next to her, and she just wanted to chat. For Luna, it was heaven, while for Allison, it was her definition of hell. But with their busy schedules, if she didn’t submit to a weekly yoga class, she didn’t know how often she’d get to see her older sister.

“Watched your segment about the fight on the boardwalk,” Luna said as they walked into the class and laid their mats on the floor.

“What’d you think?”

Luna tilted her head, pressing her lips together—a sure sign she was holding back harsh judgement.

“What?” Allison exclaimed as she plopped on her mat and crossed her legs.

“You were a little harsh on the sheriff, don’t you think?”

“On Reid? Please. A wrecking ball couldn’t be harsh on him. Nothing phases him.” Though he had been furious with her earlier. Still, she helped him spin it, and she was positive it would only help him secure the extra money he was after.

Luna raised her arm above her head, stretching behind her back. “You not so subtly questioned his capabilities.”

Allison fiddled with the bracelet Luna had given her in the parking lot. Presley, her niece, had made it for her, using shades of blue and purple beads. “I was doing my job. I’m a reporter, and I report the news. I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”

“You didn’t exactly speak the truth, either.” Luna put her hands in her lap and rolled her neck. “Don’t forget, Reid saved your ass not two months ago.”

“Krissy and I had it under control. Reid just handcuffed the asshole.”