Page 18 of Blue-Eyed Hero

Gently, he lowered her, and she handed him Charlie, who greeted Reid with several licks to the face.

“No kisses for you,” Reid said. “You lost that privilege when you took off.”

“You’re a big fat meanie,” Allison said and took Charlie’s face in her hands, raining kisses all over the fluffball.

“Allison!” Luna said, and with a deep breath, Allison turned toward her worry wart of a sister.

“Luna, I’m fine.”

“Let me run Charlie back to Mrs. Pierson.” Reid hurried down the sidewalk toward Mrs. Pierson’s house.

“What was that all about?” Luna asked.

“Charlie’s collar snapped, and he took off after a cat.”

“I’m not talking about the dog,” Luna said.

Allison turned her hands out innocently.

“I’m talking about you being swept up into Reid’s arms.”

“I fell in a stupid pothole. I should have taken a page from your book and worn sneakers today. Maybe I would have, if I knew I’d be chasing down a sheriff and a little white ball of fur that has the speed of the Roadrunner.”

“Is that all it was?”

“What else would it be?”

Allison went to take a step and bit back the wince.

“You’re hurt.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. You’re limping.”

Before she could process what was happening, Reid’s arms scooped her up and hoisted her into his chest. Where did he even come from? This was getting ridiculous. She’d be lying if she didn’t appreciate the warm, hard chest to rest on. She resisted the urge to snuggle into it and crossed her arms over her chest, at least pretending like she was not amused by the big grumpy sheriff coming to her rescue.

It was definitely in his wheelhouse. Reid loved to be the knight in shining armor, even when it was completely unnecessary.

He walked them to her car, Luna hurrying to open the door. Reid placed Allison in the driver's seat.

“She should get that ankle looked at,” Reid said to Luna as if Allison wasn’t right there.

Allison waved her hand in the air. “I’m fine!” She didn’t need either of them fussing over her.

Luna ignored her protests. “Then we’ll go home and you can elevate it, put some ice on it.”

“No. I promised Presley a dress, and she is getting a dress.”

“Hang on,” Reid all but barked as he jogged away.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Luna asked.

“For the hundredth time, I’m fine.”

“We can go tomorrow,” Presley said, and Allison turned to her.

“Absolutely not. It’s just a little twisted ankle. I have endured much worse.”