Page 82 of Fixate

“I can’t believe Hurricane is finally getting hitched. Honestly, whenever the dickhead would come to our club, he was a sex-crazed maniac… I never thought I would see the day a woman could tie him down,” Zero states.

I snort out a laugh. “You and me both. Hurricane was wild until Kaia tamed him. She’s really got her hooks into him, though. He’d go on a murderous rampage if anyone evenlookedat her suspiciously, let alone hurt her.”

Trax grins. “We all know that feeling. We need to find you a woman, so you can join the fallen brothers club, Hoodoo.” Trax chuckles.

I jerk my head back. “Fallen brothers club? The fuck is that?”

Six grips my shoulder. “Brothers with old ladies who make them fall to their damn knees…fallen brothers.We’re not weak when it comes to the club, but when it comes to our women…”

“All bets are off,” Torque ends the sentence.

My eyes instinctively shift over to where Maxxy is sitting with Izzy and Novah, and I let out a long exhale. The four guys chuckle under their breath as Six grips my shoulder again. “Or maybe you’re already a part of the fallen brothers. You just haven’t claimed your lady yet?”

I turn to face them, picking up my beer and saying nothing. They all chuckle, each one slapping me as they laugh.

“Do it, brother. I know the guys who aren’t committed think those of us who are, are pussies, but if I’m gonna be honest, it makes us stronger because we have shit to fight for. People who need us. People we love and who love us. If you want her, brother… you gotta let her know. Because there’s one thing in this life that is for certain… tomorrow is never promised. So take every day and live it. I know that all too well,” Zero urges, stretching out his deformed hands.

Yeah, if anyone knows how quickly life can change, it’s Zero.

“Right, right! You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“Changin’ the subject, does anyone know much about the Sergeant-at-Arms from Los Angeles? He seems to be having avery goodtime with the girls over there?” I ask.

“Who? South? He’s harmless. He’s a ladies’ man. The chicks love the hair and tattoos, and he plays it up, but he’s a damn good brother. The entire reason they call him South is because his surname is North. A little play on words, but also because he’s generally happy. But, when he switches, things go south fucking fast, and he’s a badass motherfucker,” Six states.

I raise my brow as he slides down next to Clover and Addi and starts chatting with them. “Hedoesknow how young they are, right?”

Torque chuckles. “South might be a ladies’ man, but he’s not indecent. He’s a people person and will talk to just about anyone about any damn thing. The man will talk your ear off. Knowing South, he’s probably discussing the latest teen app thing because he would be right up with that shit.”

The thing is, I don’t know South. And a twenty-something guy sitting with two teen girl members of my club isn’t sitting right with me. So I’m going to do something about that.

I drink the last of my beer and place the glass on the bar. Dipping my head at the Chicago and Houston brothers, I head off. “Good chattin’ with you, boys.”

As I make my way over to South, my ears prick to listen into the conversation as I approach. Clover sits excitedly, scrolling through her phone while Addi nods emphatically at something South has just said. “Totally, I mean, she’s my freaking idol!” Addi coos in response.

“Yeah, I get it. I’m not up to date with all her songs, but I do like “All Too Well.” Just don’t tell the guys. They’ll probably rip my patches off like Velcro.” South chuckles.

Addi and Clover giggle as I step up in front of the trio, and they all glance up. “Name’s Hoodoo, just wanna make you aware these two girls are one hundred percent underage.”

South smirks, glancing from Addi to Clover and then back to me, his cocky smile only growing wider. “We’re just discussing Taylor Swift’s Eras tour and how she’s not coming to New Orleans because of the renovations at the Caesars Superdome.”

Addi frowns and nods. “Clover and I were heartbroken when we found out she wasn’t coming. Raid said when Taylor announced her tour that he was going to let Frankie take me, but then Taylor said the Superdome couldn’t accommodate her, and that was that. Dream canceled.”

I am starting to regret coming over here.

“So what does this have to do with you, South?” I ask.

He shrugs. “My sister is a booking agent back in LA. She can get tickets to the SoFi Stadium show… and I told the girls that as long as they clear it with Raid and Jesse, I’ll make sure I can get them tickets. Hell, all of NOLA can come over to LA for the weekend if you want because that’s what we do at Defiance. We’re a family.”

Clover bounces in her seat. “Isn’t it unbelievable, Hoodoo?”

I raise my brow. “A littletoounbelievable.”

South stands, shifting out from the table to stand in front of me. “Hoodoo, I know how this looks, but brother, I’m trying to help out the girls. There is absolutelynothingin this for me. I love helping people when I can, and this… this is something Icando.”

I glance over at Addi and Clover, both begging me with their eyes. “Just make sure you talk to Raid and Jesse. They have final say on what happens to the girls. They’re their guardians.”

“You got it. And Hoodoo…” he grips my shoulder, looking into my eyes, his stare back at me seeming genuine, “… you ever need anything from me, you just ask. My door isalwaysopen.” Suddenly, his eyes flick from me over my shoulder, like something has taken his attention.