Page 60 of Fixate

She glances up at City, and he smiles down at her, tilting his head at the bar. “Go get yourself a drink. You earned it.”

She chuckles, pulls off her gloves, and nods. “I think I just might. Take it easy for the rest of the night, okay, Hoodoo? No strenuous exercise. You gotta rest those wounds, especially since as you’re still recovering from the poisoning.”

I nod as she stands and takes off, City sliding down in her place. I sigh, slumping my shoulders and letting out a small groan now that she’s gone. “Fucking hell, that hurt.”

City chuckles, laughing at my expense. “I could tell by the faces you were making. Brother, you were as subtle as a bull getting his dick sucked.”

I raise my brow. “That is oddly specific, and I’m kinda scared to think that you’ve seen a bull getting his dick sucked.”

City rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean, asshole.”

“Well, I am glad I didn’t have to suture myself up. Trying to concentrate on the job while fighting through the pain would have been fucking impossible. So I’m glad Iz could do it for me… even if I did look like a bull getting a blow job.”

City taps my knee and gestures for the hall. “I’m gonna go check on the guys in the shed to see if they need help. You get some rest. We’ll talk to Hurricane in the morning and tell him the bad news.”

“Thanks, brother, appreciate it.”

He taps my knee again, stands, then walks over to the bar, where Izzy is three shots deep. I pack up my med kit, put it away, and head to the bedroom. The idea I have to explain all this to Maxxy churns my guts.

She adored Charlotte, and the fact I have to tell her I just fucking killed her makes me feel physically sick.

But it is what it is.

First thing first, though—I need a shower.

I slowly open the door to my bedroom, expecting Maxxy to be sitting up, waiting for me, but as I glance in, she’s under the covers, curled up, fast asleep, looking so fucking adorable I can’t help but smile.She’s so goddamn gorgeous it makes my heart pound harder as I stand at the edge of my bed staring at her.

I’m so fucking lucky.

I know we haven’t really started this—whateverthisis—but Maxxy makes everything better simply by just being here.

I could wake her.

I could tell her everything.

And we could finish what we started.

But I don’t want to be that guy who takes what he needs.

What he wants.

Maxxy clearly needs sleep. And honestly, my night’s been rough, so I will go clean myself off and let her rest.

I start stripping, throwing my bloodstained clothes in the laundry basket, and make my way to the bathroom. I close the door so the sound of the shower doesn’t wake Maxxy, and I climb in under the hot water, needing the pelting liquid against my skin. Resting my hands against the wall, I let the water run over my hair as I let out a long exhale. “I’m so fucking sorry, Charlotte,” I mumble as I sink onto the shower floor. The water runs red with all the blood, and I watch the blood-stained water flush down the drain and with it, any chance of peace with the Bratva.

I let the water wash over me, drowning me in sorrow and grief. The idea I took the life of someone who didn’t need to be gone from this earth eats at me.

But there was nothing I could have done.

She was going to go for my neck with the scalpel.

She was going to kill me.

I hadnochoice.

And it dawns on me that instead of being fucking upset, I should be angry.

Angry at Anton for brainwashing this sweet, innocent woman.