Page 33 of Fixate

But I’ll take it.

Because honestly, I can do with the distraction.


As we sprint into the hospital, we all feel the tension in the air.

But I only have one thought running through my mind right now.

I need to speak to Aubree.

When we approach Hoodoo’s room, nurses and people rush about everywhere, and we’re ushered back, but I see Aubree and call out to her. “Dr. Adams!” I yell, trying to gain her attention.

Hurricane grabs my arm and shakes his head. “Let them work, Max.”

I yank my arm free and take off running.They don’t get it!I push past the nurse and the security guard, who yell at me as I charge for Aubree, but she raises her hand at the guard to let me pass. “Aubree, you have to listen to me…” I pant and puff as I reach her.

She places her hand on my shoulder supportively and nods. “What is it, Maxxy?”

I try to catch my breath as I risk a glance into Hoodoo’s room. Seeing him hooked up to machines and them working on him does nothing to calm my nerves. “Hoodoo is a reformed addict… you can’t give him any pain meds. He wouldn’t want to go back into recovery.”

Aubree spins dramatically, facing the nurse by his bed. “Charlotte, stop!” she yells as the nurse is about to inject something into Hoodoo’s IV. “Patient can’t receive any opioids due to past addiction. Please mark that clearly on his chart.”

Charlotte quickly withdraws the syringe from the cannula, places it back on the tray, then moves to his chart. “Of course, Dr. Adams. Right away.”

Aubree turns back to face me and lets out a heavy exhale. “Thank you, Maxxy. Can you give us any other pertinent information on his medical history?”

I shake my head. “Sorry, no. That’s the only thing I know for sure.”

“Well, it was a good thing you spoke up, and thank you for making sure you got to us in time. I appreciate it… but now, I have to tend to him and see if we can get his fever down. We will have to give him an activated charcoal solution, some diazepam to control the convulsions, and some muscle relaxants to combat muscle rigidity…” She pauses before continuing, “The next twenty-four hours are crucial. If we can get him past that without his organs shutting down, weshouldbe okay… but we will have to wait and see at this point.”

Letting out a heavy exhale, I nod. “Thanks, doc. Take good care of him.”

She weakly smiles, then rushes off to his room while Hurricane steps up, ushering me back with the rest of the club. “He’s gonna be okay, Maxxy… he has to be,” he urges.

I slump down into a seat and sigh, scrubbing at my face. “I was so mean to him last time we spoke.”

Ingrid slides in beside me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “Don’t talk like this is gonna be the last time we see him. Youhaveto keep positive.”

My eyes shift to Hurricane, who has moved over with Bayou and City in the corner. They’re obviously talking strategies about where they go from here.

Well, I want in.

I stand, make my way over to them, and fold my arms over my chest. They all stop talking and look at me like I’m interrupting. “What arewegoing to do about this?”

Bayou smirks, and City chuckles, but it’s Hurricane who talks. “We, as in the brothers, are going to do somethin’ about it. You,Maxxy, aren’t gonna do shit about it but stay here and keep an eye on Hoodoo.”

Shaking my head, I turn up my lip. “No, sir. I’ve had enough of sitting on the sidelines. Last time information was kept from me, I ended up being nailed to a stake and tortured… youfuckingrememberthat? Because the scars on my wrists and legs are a telltale giveaway.”

The three of them each swallow hard as they stare at me.

I take a centering breath. “Look… all I am saying is I’m stronger than y’all give me credit for. I want to fight for Hoodoo. I want to make the Bratva pay, and youknowI am capable of fighting. Hurricane… letmebe a part of this.”

Hurricane shakes his head. “Maxxy, you know I can’t risk you. You’re too important to us—”

“That’s bullshi—”

“It’s not bullshit! No one can run The Plantation like you. We needyou.We can’t run the farm withoutyou…I can’t fuckin’ risk it. It has nothin’ to do with the fact you’re a woman because, let’s face it, you’re tougher than some of the brothers, like Bayou, for instance—”