Hoodoo huffs, saying nothing more, and turns, walking off to the other side of the clubhouse. Brianna shakes her head, and Nash raises a brow. “Someone has their panties in a twist,” Nash states.
Bayou shrugs. “You showing up unannounced will be throwing him. Hoodoo likes continuity. He likes regulation and order. A structure to things. If anything changes, he feels out of balance. He knew who was coming today. He was prepared for it. He wasn’t prepared for you, andyouunsettle him at the best of times, Maxxy.”
I raise my brow. “I do?”
Bayou nods emphatically. “You certainly do.”
Glancing over to the other side of the room, I feel the heat of Hoodoo’s stare on me. My eyes lock with his, the intensity of his gaze searing right through me. It’s like he’s burning, but I can’t tell whether it’s from rage or desire. The man is so fucking hard to read, but the way he’s looking at me, the way it’s making my insides quiver, forces my breath to catch, my heart to race, and I have to swallow a lump caught in my throat.
Holy hell, I had no idea he could affect me in this way.
And I have no damn clue what it means.
We’re not friends.
We hardly get along.
So why is my clit throbbing out of control?
How can this be happening?
I had no clue Maxxy would be here today, so seeing her has thrown me. But she looks so fucking gorgeous. There’s something about her. I’ve always been attracted to natural women. I guess women who look like Novah—blonde, innocent, and sweet—the typical girl-next-door type.
Maxxy is nothing like that.
A lump gets caught in my throat as I take her in. Her dark hair is short on the sides with a little more length on top. Not a typical hairstyle for a woman, but somehow Maxxy makes it look sexy as sin. Her eyes are ice-blue, almost like something you would see in a fucking Disney movie—like she is an ice princess or some shit. I’d swear they’re contacts, but I’m pretty sure it’s her natural color. Her supple lips, so plump and pink—perfect dick-sucking lips.
I inhale a deep breath at the thought.
My eyes slide down to her tanned arms. The thing about Maxxy is she is fit. I can tell she works out. Her biceps are toned, well-defined, but not so much that it makes her look butch. It’s obvious she could kick some serious ass if she needed to. To me, it only makes her hotter. Not to mention the smattering of tattoos she has—her arms, I see some on her chest, and I imagine she has them all over.
Maxxy is tough.
And as I stare at her across the room, it’s hard for me not to feel something.
As much as she annoys the fuck out of me, I can’t deny that I am one hundred percent attracted to this woman.
She’s a fucking knockout.
And that aggravates the hell out of me.
But I am glad she’s here because I know she has nowhere else to go today. Christmas should be spent with those you care about. Despite the fact she drives me completely crazy, we all care about her.
So this club is where she belongs.
As Maxxy’s eyes meet mine, my heart pounds. I don’t know how she has the ability to unnerve me like this. She is staring at me, a heat in her eyes that tells me she’s feeling this energy between us too. The rest of the clubhouse fades away, and I’m simply staring at her, unsure of what the fuck this means.
The one thing I do know—my cock is rock hard, and I don’t need her or anyone else in here to see. So regretfully, I break eye contact with Maxxy and spin, walking toward the kitchen, taking in some deep breaths to try and walk this shit off.
“Get a fucking grip, Hoodoo,” I mumble to myself, entering the bustling kitchen.
Lani, Frankie, Storm, Jaz, Clover, and Addi are all busy as hell, and I raise my brow when they spot me in the doorway. “Ladies, what can I do to help?”
“Can you carry the kalua pig for me?” Lani asks with a smile.