Page 17 of Fixate

She glowers. “Fuck you! If you didn’t like the music, we could have changed it.”

I chuckle, then continue walking toward the clubhouse. “Are you kidding? I enjoyed watching you rock out afterThe Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Driftshit you pulled.”

“Go apply some more Tiger Balm, old man.” She gestures to my back while I rub it.

As we walk inside, I exhale, thinking I might just do that, but I won’t let her know. “Enough with the old-man shit. You wanna come with me to see Hurricane?”

“Yeah, probably should.”

An easy silence falls over us as we walk toward Hurricane, who’s sitting with Kaia. His four-month-old baby, Imogen, is propped on his lap. He coos over her, blowing raspberries on her stomach, causing her to giggle. Got to admit, seeing Hurricane in father mode is something I never thought I would witness. He’s the opposite of badass for his girls.

Maxxy raises a brow as we step closer. “Careful now, Hurricane. Or I might pull out my cell and start videoing this as evidence.”

Hurricane lifts his head from Immy’s stomach and smiles at Maxxy. “Evidence for what, Maxxy? That I’m a good father? Go your hardest.”

Maxxy folds her arms over her chest when Kaia chuckles. “No, baby, that you’ve gone completely soft,” Kaia blurts out.

Hurricane glares at her, and Maxxy bursts out laughing, nodding emphatically while I stand back, stayingwayout of this. “The fuck, Kaia?” Hurricane growls.

Maxxy shrugs. “Hey, if the shoe fits, man.”

Hurricane scowls, handing his daughter over to Kaia with a huff. “Don’t start with me, Maxine!”

“Hey, bro, it was your Old Lady who said it. I’m just agreeing with her.”

Hurricane flares his nostrils and stands, letting out a grunt as Kaia quietly giggles. “Fuck! Talk. You fuckers get anywhere with Cain?”

I step forward and raise my chin. “Yeah, he’s sending us five of his soldiers. It’s gonna help us significantly at The Plantation.”

Hurricane exhales, running his hand through his shoulder-length hair. “What do we owe ’em in return?”

I glance at Maxxy and she back at me. “That never came up.”

A low growl escapes his throat, and he cranes his neck to the side. “I’ll call him as a courtesy to thank him and broach the subject of what we’ll owe as reimbursement.”

“Sorry, Pres, shit was happening while we were there. I was distracted. Didn’t think to ask.”

Maxxy looks at me like she’s quietly shitting herself as Hurricane narrows his eyes on me. “What kinda shit?”

Maxxy clears her throat and takes the lead. “It was my fault, Pres. Someone from my past was there. Someone I wasn’t expecting to ever see again, and it wasn’t a friendly reunion.”

Hurricane’s eyes flick to mine. “Anythin’ we need to be concerned about?”

I shake my head. “Nah, Cain had it settled quickly.”

“All right, but if you need our help, Maxxy…”

“I’ll let you know. You know I always do.”

Hurricane grips her shoulder and squeezes. “We got your back… no matter what.”

She smiles. “Thanks, Pres. I better get back to it. Tell the rest of the guys we got some new workers coming in.”

“You want me to head back with you?” I ask.

She looks me up and down and smirks.“I think you need to rest that back of yours, old man. Come back to me tomorrow once you’ve had a good night’s rest.”

Hurricane raises his brow as I huff. “You’re lucky Hurricane has ordered me to help you, otherwise—”