Page 115 of Fixate

She seems calmer now. More at peace.

Leaning in, I kiss her shoulder, and she lets out a contented sigh, her fingers running through my hair. “Thank you… I needed that.”

I glance up at her with a wink. “You know I always got your back. But now, I need you in bed and finally getting some rest.”

She sighs with a nod and turns, walking for the door. I quickly dry myself, then follow behind her. Maxxy is climbing into the bed when I glance over to the laptop. I figure it’s about time we talked about the letter and why she felt the need to leave. I know my relationship with ‘G’ might be an issue for her, but it’s done and dusted if she needs me to stop talking to her.

I have no problem and will do that for her.

Maxxy cuddles up in the bed, and I sit on the edge, trying to figure out how to broach the subject. I place my hand on her knee and exhale, figuring I just need to start the conversation. “Why did you leave?”

She glances up at me, her eyes widening. She swallows the lump that’s clearly lodged in her throat. Then she moves to sit up next to me. “We’re doing this now?”

I turn to face her, sliding a stray hair behind her cheek. “You know I’m not cheating on you, right?”

She lets out a small sigh. “Yes, I know.”

“But the girl in the letter… ‘G,’ she does mean something to me. And I have to tell her about you. I can’t just stop contact, but I am fucking sorry I didn’t tell you about her.”

“Hoodoo, there’s something I haven’t told you,” she says, reaching out, grabbing my hand in hers.

Furrowing my brows and shrug. “Okay?”

She inhales deeply like she’s preparing herself to tell me. “I have a pen pal too… I’ve been writing to him for six years since I was assigned his name in the prison system.”

My stomach begins to tighten as I sit taller and shake my head. “I… I don’t know what you’re saying?”

Her eyes begin to well, her bottom lip trembling as she tightens her hand on mine. “My pen pal… I adore him, we have thisamazingchemistry, and I never knew who he was. I mean, I knew things about his life that he would share with me, about his friends…” She sniffs back her emotion. “But the truth is, we were only ever telling the truth we needed to. Like, for instance, his name…”

My entire body shakes as I stare at her. I think I know where this is going, but my mind is having trouble believing it.

Her bottom lip trembles as she continues, “… is ‘N.’ ”

I sit taller, my breath catching as I scrunch my face in disbelief. “What?” is all I can manage.

A tear falls down her cheek, and she weakly smiles at me. “I’m ‘G,’ Nico.”

My world is spinning, like everything I could have ever wanted is falling into my lap before me. “I don’t…how?”

She smirks. “Jingle My Balls was my favorite gift.”

I let out a laugh as I pull her to me. “Fuck…fuck!‘G’? Did you know? All this time, did you know?”

She shakes her head. “I had no idea. Hell, I didn’t even know your real name until a few days ago… ‘N’ for Nico.”

I scratch my head. “Why ‘G’?”

She shrugs. “Maxine Grace.”

I snort out a laugh. “A florist…really?”

She scowls at me in return. “A mechanic? At least mine was in the vicinity of what I do. I felt like I really knew who ‘N’ was inside and out, but you were lying to me about everything, Hoodoo.”

I let out a stifled laugh. “You lied to me about everything too, Maxxy!”

“But we aren’t lying about who we are in real life…” She slumps, her ice-blue eyes looking into mine. “As Maxxy, you know everything.”

“And as Hoodoo, you know everything. So what’s more important? ‘N’ and ‘G’ or Hoodoo and Maxxy?” I ask.