Page 109 of Fixate

He leans in, pressing his lips to mine briefly, then the guys take off, leaving Omen with me as they run inside.

I let out a heavy exhale, now completely in the dark about what’s happening. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I turn to Omen, shaking my head. “How do you do this… go into battle not knowing if anyone is going to be hurt?”

He shrugs, sliding his arm around me. “This is the life we choose, Max. Being a brother is the only way we know how to live, and part of that is going into fights like this prepared for the fact that any one of us could fall in the fray. It’s just how it is.”

“But that doesn’t scare you?” I ask.

Omen snorts out a laugh. “Scare me? No…fighting for my brothers, fighting for the club, and for the honor of Defiance is all I have ever wanted. I fucking love this club. Everyone in Defiance does. So we stand. We fight. We protect.That’s what we’re here for. And we’re here to protect you, Maxxy, because you’re Defiance too. So all of us are gonna fight like hell for you. No matter the cost.”

“If Jesse gets hurt because of me, I will never forgive myself,” I reply honestly.

“No one is going to get hurt, Maxxy. We’re prepared. The guys have gone in to get him. It’s gonna be fine, you’ll see—”

Suddenly, the back door to the club bursts open, cutting off his next words. Jesse flies out the door, running, and the sound of bullets breaks through the air.

Omen grabs hold, shoving me behind him. He reaches for his gun as more brothers and Bachelors burst into the alley. I duck down, my fingers gripping tight on Omen’s cut as he moves to fire on a Bachelor coming our way, but before he has a second to even bring his gun up, his body jerks, blood splashing all over me as I scream out in shock.

My eyes snap to Omen’s neck, where blood gushes from the bullet hole.

His hand comes up, clutching the gaping hole.

“Omen! Jesus, no,” I yell as he drops to one knee.

My arms wrap around him as he frantically gasps for breaths that he can’t seem to catch. Tears well in my eyes as I spin him, his body lying in my lap while I stroke his hair. “You’re gonna be okay. Hold on, Omen, hold on!” His shaking hand comes up, holding his gun, and he shoves it against my chest.

Tears slide down my face, bullets whizzing through the air, and the fight continues around me in the alley, although I seem oblivious for a moment.

Then I duck as a bullet slams into the car door beside my head, and I let out a small whimper as I pull my head down, cradling Omen, his glassy eyes looking into mine. I grab his hand, squeezing tightly, letting him know I am here with him. “I’m here. I’m right with you.”

His breaths are short and shallow before his eyes roll into the back of his head. Then he lets out a long breath, his muscles relax, and he lets my hand go. My stomach falls as I watch his life drain right before me while chaos surrounds us.

I scream out in pain, tears streaming down my face as I swipe my cheek, feeling the warm smear of blood wipe across my face. Sniffing, I take Omen’s gun, gently laying him down, and move to stand, another bullet whizzing past me, only narrowly missing me.

I duck out of the way as Hurricane runs past me, being chased by a Bachelor. “Maxxy, run!” he yells as I try to find Hoodoo, but I can’t see him anywhere.

I know he can take care of himself and wants me to stay out of this fight, but I can’t sit back and do nothing, especially when Omen just died right in front of me for this fight.

I won’t let him die for nothing.

So I rip off my sling, throwing it to the ground in a huff.

Clicking off the gun’s safety, I take off. Rushing inside the club, people are screaming and racing around with the chaos the club has created inside the venue, but I don’t care.

My aim is to find Selene and end this shit once and for all.

As I race through, the music still pumping, the vibration rolls through me, and the sound of bullets is faint in the distance. Strobing lights make it harder to see who’s who in here. Patrons race around, not knowing what’s happening, while the Bachelors are randomly killing anyone who doesn’t look right to them.

Everyone’s being slaughtered.

It’s a bloodbath.

And it’s allmyfault.

I rush past some innocent women and shove them. “Move, move, move… get out now. Head for the back alley.Go!”

Tears stream down their faces as they run, their dresses already stained with blood. I just can’t tell whether it’s theirs or someone else’s as they run for the rear of the club, making their exit.

As I turn to keep up my search, I spot a Bachelor tackling City to the floor. The asshole picks up City’s bald head and slams it into the floor. So I raise Omen’s gun, aim, and shoot. The Bachelor’s head explodes, and his body flops down on top of City, who groans, but slowly slips the Bachelor off him and moves to get up, a river of blood running from the back of City’s skull.