Page 15 of An Unhinged Wedding

“Is that what you want?”

She shakes her head, “I want them to die.”

Walking into the bedroom’s walk-in closet, I grab a T-shirt of Willow’s, go back to the bathroom, and set it on the counter.

“I won’t give you any details so don’t ask. But they will die tonight. Take your shower. I’ll wait in the bedroom for you.”

I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed while I wait for Savannah to come back. I’m overwhelmed with tonight’s turn of events. Looking at her is like looking into a mirror at my past life. Knowing what Stephen did to her makes me want to go to the basement and cause him the worst pain. But I can’t. I need to stay here with her, so I have to trust my team is taking care of him the way I would.

She comes out, and her hair is a tangled mess. I go to the bathroom and get Willow’s hairbrush.

“Sit on the edge of the bed.”

Savannah sits, and I gently brush the tangles out, one section at a time.

“There’s more,” she says, giving me pause.

“More what?”

I continue brushing her hair, holding my hand at the top of her head as I pull the brush down, careful not to pull it.

“It’s not just the two guys. Joey is the worst.”

I sigh audibly, “I know about Joey. We’ll get him too. Did he touch you?”

She nods and whispers, “Yeah. A lot. Joey is evil. He does things just to make you cry.”

I finish brushing her hair, and she stands up, turns to face me, and pulls the shirt over her right hip. My eyes focus on the large burn on her skin. It looks fresh and infected.

“When did he do this to you?”

She shrugs her shoulders, dropping her shirt back down, “A few days ago. I don’t remember. I’m not allowed outside except when they take me somewhere. The days and nights mix together.”

I give her a sad smile. I remember very well not knowing how long I had been there. The days stretch into weeks and then years. Before you know it, somehow, it becomes your norm. It’s no longer horrifying when they grab you and hold you down. The fight leaves. You’re only a shell of the person you were. You become empty inside. It’s how you survive. You find a way to live through the unimaginable by shutting off every emotion.

I get an alert on my phone notifying me that Dr. Cruise is here, “The doctor is here. Wait here, I’ll bring her to you.”

Walking down the stairs, I meet her in the living room, “Thank you for coming.”

Dr. Cruise is the newest doctor on Max’s team of medical personnel. After Willow didn’t like the doctor, he had been using for years, he fired her. My brother is intense when it comes to my sister-in-law. I swear if she said he didn’t like the color green, he’d buyCrayolaso that he could stop producing the offending color.

I reach out and shake her extended hand as she smiles at me. She’s an attractive blonde in her fifties and has a passion for helping trafficked women, making her the perfect fit.

“How is she?”

I sigh, “She’s doing better than I’d expect, however, I think she’s holding it all in.”

She nods, “That’s normal.”

We start walking to the stairs together, “She has a burn that concerns me. I’m afraid there may be an infection. I’d appreciate you taking a look.”

Dr. Cruise touches my arm, and we stop on the steps, “Are you doing okay, Mia?”

I smile softly, “Yeah, I’m okay. It does hit a little close to home because there are similarities. But I’m okay.”

We start walking up the stairs again, and she says, “Well, you call me if that changes, Mia. If you need anything I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.”