A tear rolls down my cheek, and I swipe it away, “That set the wheels in motion, Trevor. That night I heard them talking about killing his family.”
I shake my head, “No, let me finish.”
“A few days after that I was brought here where they killed him, before my own eyes. I feel his presence here, only here. Bad things happened here. For me, it feels full circle. There’s been so much suffering here. I want there to be joy. I feel like if it’s here, Father Bradley can bear witness to our vows. Maybe it sounds stupid to you, but it means so much to me.”
Stepping forward, Trevor wraps his arms around me, crushing me against his hard chest, “Mia. I’m so fucking sorry for everything you’ve been through.”
“Do not feel sorry for me. I am who I am today because of the things that were done to me.”
He slides his hand into my hair, “Your heart is so fucking beautiful, Mia. I know you joke about having a black heart. You’re wrong. You're a bright light in the darkest sky. I want to climb into your light. I want to fucking bathe in it. Soak in it until I breathe my final breath.”
“I love you.”
His lips curve into a soft smile, “I love you too. Can we go inside?”
I nod, “Yes.”
Trevor takes my hand, and we walk up the remaining steps. I get to the door, pull out my key, and unlock it.
“You have a key?”
I smile, “Yes. Before you, I used to come here a lot.”
We walk in, and I turn on the lights. It’s a very dark building, and the lighting is old and not great. But I like it. Coming here after being free became a therapy of sorts. And I swear, when I sit in the pews, I feel Father Bradley beside me. Call me crazy. I don’t care. It’s like he never left this building.
We walk down the aisle together, dark pews on both sides of us, and stained glass covers the sides of the church. I look up at the vaulted ceiling and take a deep, cleansing breath.
When we reach the sanctuary, he asks, “This is where you want to get married, Mia?”
I turn to him and nod while pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, “Yes. It is.”
He smiles, “If this is what you want, this is what you get, Kitten.”
“Thank you.”
Trevor wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his hard chest, “Let’s go see your annoying brother.”
* * *
I textMax on the way to his house, so he knows to expect us. As I put my phone on my lap, I notice Trevor staring at me.
“What?” I ask innocently.
He turns back to the road and makes his turn before gazing back at me, “I was just thinking. I should’ve fucked you in that church.”
Shaking my head, I say, “Dirty heathen.”
Trevor chuckles with a big grin on his face, “You have no idea.”
He is filthy. I absolutely do have an idea. It comes as no surprise that he’d thought of fucking me in a church. There is nowhere that is off-limits to Trevor. This is not a complaint. I love how he can’t seem to keep his hands off me. And if we’re in the occasional fight? It’s even better. Angry sex with Trevor is hot as fuck. Sometimes I consider starting an argument so that he’ll fuck me like he hates me.
Reaching over, he drags his fingers up the inside of my thigh, making me moan. “Are you thinking about it, beautiful psycho?”
“Yes,” I whimper.
“Are you going to let me defile you in a church?”