“Which would make ye a good laird,” Evina murmured thoughtfully. For a laird who had wide and varied skills and knowledge was surely better than one who knew only how to run a keep.
“Mayhap,” Conran said with a shrug, and then asked, “Would ye like more? Are ye still hungry?”
Evina glanced down at her trencher, surprised to find it was empty. The short walk to the table had apparently done her appetite good at least. Hopefully it was the first step in rebuilding her strength too, she thought as she shook her head, and murmured, “No, thank ye.”
Nodding, Conran took her trencher and set it back on the tray with his own. He then picked up the tray and headed for the door to set it out in the hall for one of the maids to get without disturbing them, and asked, “Would ye like to play a game at the table? Or return to yer bed now?”
Evina hesitated. She was feeling a little tired now that she’d eaten, but wasn’t eager to return to her bed, so in the end said, “Here is fine,” as he returned to the table.
Conran merely nodded and settled in his seat, but then glanced around and suggested, “Or we could sit on the fur in front of the fireplace. We could even have a small fire if ye like. There is a chill in the air tonight. I think a storm is coming down from the north.”
“That might be nice,” Evina said, glancing toward the fireplace. She’d noticed it was a touch chilly, but had assumed it was just her, something to do with her still recovering from her injury.
Conran was up at once and moving to start a small fire, and it was indeed small, a couple of logs and a few leaves to start it. While he was busy with that, Evina stood and moved the few feet to the fur, relieved when she managed to get there without becoming more than a little breathy.
She glanced to him with surprise when he was suddenly beside her, offering his hand to aid her in lowering herself to the fur.
“Thank ye,” Evina breathed as she arranged the plaid she’d wrapped around her shoulders cape-style so that it covered her properly.
“What would ye like to play tonight?” Conran asked, still standing.
“Whatever ye wish,” she decided, not really caring one way or another.
“We did no’ finish our chess game. Shall we try it again?” he asked.
Evina felt her cheeks heat up and closed her eyes briefly as she recalled why exactly they hadn’t finished the game, and what he’d done to her. She’d been nervous about meeting him again after his leaving earlier, concerned that she would be embarrassed by what they’d done and her responses when he returned. But with Saidh there, she hadn’t even thought about it, until now.
“If ye like,” she said in a strangled voice.
She could hear the concern in his voice, but didn’t lift her head or open her eyes. “Aye?”
Evina gave a start when she felt his hand brush her cheek and jerked her head up, her eyes blinking wide.
“Are ye upset?” Conran asked with concern.
“Ye’re embarrassed,” he realized, and then shook his head. “Ye’ve no reason to be embarrassed with me.”
“I’m no’,” she lied.
“Nay?” Conran asked, a smile curving his beautiful mouth, and then he ran a finger lightly over her lips and asked, “Did ye enjoy our kissing this afternoon?”
Now her face was on fire, but Evina raised her chin and said honestly, “Aye.”
“I did too,” he admitted. “Would ye like me to do it again?”
She stilled at the offer, shocked to feel her body respond to just the suggestion. Her breasts tightened, the nipples hardening, and she felt a liquid heat pool low in her belly as if he was already kissing her. Swallowing, she raised her chin a little higher and nodded. “Aye.”
“I’d like that too,” Conran said, his voice becoming raspy. “May I touch ye too this time?”
Evina blinked. Touching? She’d enjoyed his touch and caresses in both her father’s room and the field. It was just the breaching she hadn’t liked, so she nodded again, her body beginning to tingle at the thought of what he might do to her.