“Make him like me,” Evina muttered as she closed the door.
“Make who like ye, m’lady?”
Evina glanced around sharply at the question, and grimaced when she saw Tildy approaching up the hall.
“The Buchanan,” she said wearily, heading for the stairs. “Father’s sending me out to look for medicinals with Rory and wants me to be nice and make him like me so he will no’ call up his brothers’ armies to punish us for bringing him here.”
“Oh, he would no’ do that, I’m sure,” Tildy said at once, falling into step beside her. “As fer making him like ye, that should no’ be hard. I think he likes ye well enough already.”
“The Buchanan?” she asked with amazement, and when Tildy nodded, Evina shook her head. “He’s always cold and stern around me.”
“Well, that’s a man for ye, hiding their feelings and such. But he’s always looking at ye when he thinks ye are no’ looking back,” she informed her lightly. “And that’s a sure sign o’ liking.”
“Really?” Evina asked with interest as they reached the bottom of the stairs and headed for the great hall doors.
“Aye, but then ye do the same when ye think he is no’ looking too,” Tildy announced.
Evina flushed with embarrassment, but didn’t comment. What could she say? She did look at the Buchanan when he was looking elsewhere. She couldn’t help it. He was very handsome, and she kept remembering his kissing and touching her and . . . well, then she’d peer at him. Probably with a stupid longing-type look as she wished he’d kiss her again. There was no way she could explain that. It was beyond Evina how she could lust after a man she didn’t even know, let alone like.
“If ye’re going to be out hunting up weeds with the Buchanan, who’s sitting with yer da?”
“Ye are,” Evina said wryly.
“Really?” Tildy practically squealed, and Evina smiled with amusement. The woman was obviously pleased at the thought that he’d actually requested her presence again. Although Evina suspected her father hadn’t really intended for the woman to sit with him. She didn’t think he would have sent for Tildy once she was gone. But now he didn’t have to. She’d done it for him.
“Aye, that’s what he said,” Evina assured her. “I took a meal up for the two of us and he said nay, he’d have it with you, as I was to go look for medicinals with the Buchanan.”
“Oh, goodness,” she said breathlessly, her cheeks flushing. “I’d best get up there, then.”
“Aye,” Evina agreed easily.
“Have a nice time looking for weeds,” Tildy said excitedly, and turned to rush away.
Evina smiled with amusement at the thought of her father’s consternation when Tildy showed up ready to eat with him. Her smile faded though when she reached the keep doors and she stared from it to her full hands. She was just shifting the fur and sack to free one hand when the door opened and Donnan started in.
“Oh, m’lady.” He stopped just in time to avoid trampling her, and then glanced down to the items in her hands and reached to take them. “Let me get those fer ye, m’lady.”
“Thank ye, Donnan, but first,” she said, stepping back and out of reach. “Did the Buchanan have a sword with him when we came upon him in the clearing?”
Donnan’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the question. “Aye. ’Twas strapped to his horse.”
Evina relaxed a little. “Where is it now?”
“In yer father’s room,” he answered.
Evina sighed with exasperation. “Well, if he wants me to give it to him, then why did Father no’ just give it to me instead o’ telling me to ask ye for it?”
“I do no’ think he kens ’tis there,” Donnan said with a shrug. “I put it on the mantel in there the night we arrived with the Buchanan.” Stepping inside, he let the door close and said, “I’ll go fetch it at once.”
“Thank ye,” Evina murmured, moving to the side to get out of the way of anyone coming or going.
Donnan swept past her and hurried for the stairs. The man was fast on his feet. It seemed to her he hardly disappeared from the top of the stairs than he was coming back down them.
“I’ll carry it,” he offered as he approached and eyed the items she already held. “In fact, why do ye no’ give me the fur too?”
Evina handed it over without protest. She’d only refused the first time because she’d needed him to fetch the sword, but the sack of food she held was quite heavy. If she were to judge it by weight, she’d have said the cook had packed enough food for a small army. Leaving the sword and fur to Donnan, Evina turned and opened the door for him, smiling when he slipped through with a chagrinned, “Thank ye.”
“To the stables?” he asked as they started down the stairs to the bailey.